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Infirmary Road Tesco - are drivers targeting cyclists?

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I drove the section of road - Albert Terrace Road - that I orignally wrote about the other day. There's no way I'd attempt to overtake a cyclist there. No space whatsoever, plus bottom of a hill so bikes will be going 30mph or very near, plus a red light 50 yards away!

Edited by hicksy3
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I drove the section of road - Albert Terrace Road - that I orignally wrote about the other day. There's no way I'd attempt to overtake a cyclist there. No space whatsoever, plus bottom of a hill so bikes will be going 30mph or very near, plus a red light 50 yards away!


Sounds like you're a good driver, aware of cyclists' space. Do you cycle too?


---------- Post added 24-09-2013 at 09:43 ----------


Is there no public transport up your way, so you would have another choice (even if it meant you being a few minutes later)


Cycling is a lot cheaper and you get your daily exercise at the same time.


---------- Post added 24-09-2013 at 09:45 ----------


I think it's important to note that sometimes, when the road layout is ambiguous or it's simply too narrow to pass safely, the best thing a cyclist can do is cycle in the middle of a lane. It takes away the possibility that cyclist and motorist might second guess each other and crash and probably only adds a handful of seconds to the motorist's journey.


Excellent point, as explained in Cyclecraft (which is in the public library). Anyway, in most circumstances, drivers should change lanes cleanly to overtake cyclists. Drivers who do not also cycle on the road are unqualified to tell cyclists where to ride because they (the drivers) are not aware of broken glass in the gutters, the "car door zone", the amount of space cyclists actually need for safety, and other issues.

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  • 1 year later...

Its about time that cyclists should be made to have insurance and a reg plate.

I'm fed up of cyclists shouting at me when it obvious that they are the ones not obeying the rules of the road not me.

If they had a reg plate I could report them but they are just anonymous.:mad:

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Sheffield is built on 4 big hills, so hardly anyone cycle's to work, hence the SCC make very little provision for cyclists and have make a complete mess of the cycle lane network.


Plus the fact that Sheffield people are particularly ignorant and in all probability do not have the intellect to realize that you cycling to commute is actually doing them a favor.


I can only apologize for what happened to you on behalf of the 1% that have a bit of intelligence and a moral conscience.


Most Sheffield born and bred people will tell you that Sheffield is built on Seven hills, like Rome, are you saying they are all wrong : or are you just trying to make yourself very unpopular by saying we are particularly ignorant and trying to prove it by getting the geography of the area mixed up with another place.

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Most Sheffield born and bred people will tell you that Sheffield is built on Seven hills, like Rome, are you saying they are all wrong :


They might say that, but then again homeopaths will tell you that magic water will cure you of what ails you... the common link?


Yep, both groups are wrong.

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They might say that, but then again homeopaths will tell you that magic water will cure you of what ails you... the common link?


Yep, both groups are wrong.


Actually Homeopathy is based on dilutions of substances that would cause the symptoms in higher concentrations. A little bit like digitalis in too high a dosage can kill and in the right dosage, being used for some heart complaints works.


Magic water is what people bring back from a trip to Lourdes.

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Its about time that cyclists should be made to have insurance and a reg plate.


Bzzzt, wrong answer. It's in society's interest to encourage people to exercise more and drive less, so entry barriers to cycling are wrong; cycling, like walking, is a right. Driving is a regulated privilege because drivers kill several thousand people per year in the UK (cyclists kill 0 or 1 per year).

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Why not use the cycle path ? After all you're on a bike......


I really doubt any driver goes out trying to kill people on bikes ! That's just a typical cyclists view !


Why should you have to use a path, cyclists are entitled to use the road, motorists aren't entitled to murder them. :mad:


---------- Post added 29-09-2014 at 10:06 ----------


because you know what cyclists are like.cycle lane.red lights.one ways .no entries.don,t apply to them.:)


Ignorance like this is what makes drivers aggressive. There is no obligation at all to use a cycle path just because it exists.


---------- Post added 29-09-2014 at 10:07 ----------


here we go (AGAIN).. its called common sense, sometimes its much safer for the cyclist to use their own judgment and go through red lights... safer for them and it doesn't hold the traffic up that's behind who are usually itching to put their foot down when it turns amber..


No, it's never safer and it's never right for a cyclist to go through a red light. You're wrong when you do it, you're wrong when you say it, and I hope you get fined for it if you persist in doing it.


---------- Post added 29-09-2014 at 10:07 ----------


funny that because i was driving down jenkin road yesterday and the push bike in front was doing well over 30mph as i was doing 30 and he left me for dead.so it,s not just motor cars that speed.and it,s not all bikers that are bad just some...................just like car drivers


Cyclists don't generally have a speedo.


---------- Post added 29-09-2014 at 10:09 ----------


With a main arterial dual carriageway right next to it, why doesn't traffic on Infirmary Road move on to and use that instead?


The answer is likely to be roughly the same


With the added fact that the cycle path on Infirmary Road especially at Tesco is half blocked with overhanging shrubbery and awkward in partts for two cyclists to pass


So the comparison would be more apt if Penistone Road were a single-track road with passing places and asking why don't drivers just use that insead?


He's talking about Albert Terrace Road coming towards Infirmary Road. The cycle path starts just before the entrance to Tesco.


---------- Post added 29-09-2014 at 10:13 ----------


Not only is one half of the cycle lane blocked with overhanging shrubbery, the other half is blocked with pedestrians. When you point out to them that they could well be hurt walking there, they look at you at though you are talking in Greek.


I sneak up on them and then blow my air horn.

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