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Infirmary Road Tesco - are drivers targeting cyclists?

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I do not appreciate your swearing at me in that manner even though it is in abbreviation. Nothing warrants it. You may chose to disagree with what I say but you may not swear at me. You may chose to use whatever medicine you like or you can afford. As you quote "the dose maketh the poisen. and my view is that sometimes the dose given is not warranted including your admittedly small dose in the above. But perhaps a bit of soap in your mouth in your mind and on your hands is.


Or possibly just the memory of some soap in a solution diluted a trillion times...

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I had a great ride this morning along Attercliffe watching the miles of cars queuing from Meadowhall roundabout into town. At traffic lights I was given loads of space and time by considerate car and van drivers. Near the tram lines at Woodbourn Road the car behind gave me plenty of room going down the hill to go to the right side of the lane so i could cross perpendicular to the tracks.

The only fault was 3 doors up when a taxi driver who didn't clear his windows pulled out on me, but that is expected.

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I really doubt any driver goes out trying to kill people on bikes ! That's just a typical cyclists view !


In around 8 years of daily cycling I have experienced this on three occasions. Once when a driver objected to me being in the operating bus lane which he wanted to be in, once when an oncoming van swerved to the wrong side of the road in order to try and hit me, and once when a bus driver tried to crush me against the railings in the central reservation on London Road at St Mary's Gate - if I've not reached the pedestrian crossing I'd've been a goner.


So, no, I don't think it is by any means typical - but it does happen

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I've had one incident which I don't think was a deliberate attempt, but it was extremely dangerous and a few seconds difference could have seen me under the car.

Car overtook me and before even having finished passing immediately turned left. Fortunately I'd already seen what was about to happen.

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A few weeks ago I was turning right off Upperthorpe Road onto Montgomery Terrace Road near Tesco car park. I nipped in in front of a car not indicating that then turned left after me, didn't cause him to brake or slow down, so I don't know where he found the rage to wind down his window and shout "I'm gonna knock you off that f-in' bike"as he passed me. I kept my eye on him and sure enough instead of driving into Tesco car park he waited for me catch up, reversed and tried to do just that. Lucky I did so I could swerve to avoid him.

I gave him my cheesiest grin and waved bye-bye as I went on my way, leaving him apoplectic.

Maybe he just meant to give a fright. Congratulations. You did.

Scary that someone would do that , and scary that at about ten to eight, day's hardly begun and someone's full of so much hate already. What must he be like by 8 at night?

It's the only incident like that I've ever seen happen to me in the hundreds of times I've ridden that way.

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I am a newbie cyclist and I have to say, all this hostility towards cyclists is putting me right off it, putting my safety in the hands of others when out and about. I'd been motivated to "get on my bike" in the first place due to the state of traffic in Sheffield, and the time spent in traffic jams, in S6 particularly.


Will give it a bit longer while I get more confidence. :-/

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Which we all know is never upheld and cyclists do as they please as they think the laws of the road no not apply to them. They are a menace on the roads .


Drivers kill several thousand people a year in the UK, while cyclists kill on average less than one. Do you really want to go down the route of classifying a whole group by mode of transport as "a menace"?

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Roll on winter when they use their cars or busses!!!
roll on winter when they stand there blowing into their hands to keep warm inbetween spraying the aerosol and using the scraper. I laugh as I avoid that.
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They we talking about making cyclist wear helmet compulsory on the breakfast program this morning.
that would my end my days of utility and social cycling. last thing I want is to walk round away from the bike with sweaty helmet in hand ..... ooo-er missus

Personally i agree, its far to dangerous (for cyclists) on the roads these days.
step 1 in discouraging cycling - tell everyone how dangerous it is


---------- Post added 01-10-2014 at 13:57 ----------


here we go (AGAIN).. its called common sense, sometimes its much safer for the cyclist to use their own judgment and go through red lights... safer for them and it doesn't hold the traffic up that's behind who are usually itching to put their foot down when it turns amber..

oh dear, the one statement I do not want to hear from a cyclist .. I should be able to disregard the law because ...

No wonder the majority of motorists see the cyclist as unlawful.

As cyclists fighting a tough battle in trying to gain love and respect from other road users, we need to be seen cleaner than clean.

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