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Infirmary Road Tesco - are drivers targeting cyclists?

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Whilst cycling home from work tonight, the driver of a blue Transit tipper tried to knock me off at the chicane between Tesco and Aviva's premises entrances. I was travelling downhill, so were they. A similar thing happened to a friend of my wife recently. Does anyone else have experience of motorists attempting to murder them - let's not beat about the bush here- by using their vehicle as a weapon?

If I can get an idea of how often this is occurring, I can contact the council recommending the chicane be removed as this puts cyclists in needless conflict with other road users and reduces the safety of this stretch of road.


Slight over exaggeration there dont you think ? Murder .......... Really ?


Also if you are so concerned about traffic why dont you use the cycle lanes provided for you . ?

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I don't think the speed limit is applicable to cyclists, since they are not 'motor vehicles', but interesting you can apparently be fined for cycling 'furiously' which I find quite amusing :hihi:

It does but as cycles aren't required to have a speed measuring device it might be difficult to prosecute them for it. That's why the police use the cycling furiously charge instead.


Imagine if there was a driving furiously charge - all those drivers being prosecuted for getting annoyed at being stuck in a traffic jam. ;)

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here we go (AGAIN).. its called common sense, sometimes its much safer for the cyclist to use their own judgment and go through red lights... safer for them and it doesn't hold the traffic up that's behind who are usually itching to put their foot down when it turns amber..


Monkey69, please go and do a bikeability course, or at least read Cyclecraft and teach yourself to ride properly will you.


Because you are a <insert every expletive that I have ever been called as a law-abiding cyclist due to idiots who can't use the roads properly>


I end up getting the fall out from your incompetence and arrogance. THANKS A LOT for that!


The only times you should be going through a red light is where to stop would be dangerous (just changing and being tailgated aggressively) or where it is faulty, there you should proceed with caution when safe to do so (Hillsborough Corner is one such place, often the loop does not sense a bicycle, thus the signals are faulty)


There is a case for making left turns against a red light similar to the US system of (inverted) right turns - but to save us all a lot of grief, campaign for that, don't just go barreling through willy nilly


But at least the summer is nearly over so the hipster cyclists will be locking up their fixies "oh I CAN'T stop because I haven't learned to trackstand and putting a foot down would be so bad for my image", and the summer cyclists will be "oh it's spitting, get the car out" and we regulars who know how to ride properly will be the ones left out there.


Sick to the back teeth of people telling me what a cyclist did because they know I'm a cyclist - it's like telling them that a Transit van driver picked up and assaulted a child in a "you drive a transit van so you must be a child molester" tone....




I personally don't have a problem using that cycle path heading towards Hillsborough, especially on a morning where my legs are still half asleep - it makes for a quieter ride up the slight incline but it requires care - there is a hidden path joining it from the left 3/4 of the way up that any adult, child or dog on a lead (or off) could suddenly appear from - and until you know it's there, it's hidden. So if you don't ride it regularly and are unaware, that is a hazard.


Heading towards Shalesmoor however, on the section after Micky Flynn's where the cycle path exists, it is not difficult for most cyclists to reach a 25-30mph speed. Unfortunately SOME drivers when faced with a speedometer and a cyclist in front will ignore the speedo and decide that they need to be going faster than a bike because bikes go at 5mph

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Monkey69, please go and do a bikeability course, or at least read Cyclecraft and teach yourself to ride properly will you.


Because you are a <insert every expletive that I have ever been called as a law-abiding cyclist due to idiots who can't use the roads properly>


I end up getting the fall out from your incompetence and arrogance. THANKS A LOT for that!


The only times you should be going through a red light is where to stop would be dangerous (just changing and being tailgated aggressively) or where it is faulty, there you should proceed with caution when safe to do so (Hillsborough Corner is one such place, often the loop does not sense a bicycle, thus the signals are faulty)


There is a case for making left turns against a red light similar to the US system of (inverted) right turns - but to save us all a lot of grief, campaign for that, don't just go barreling through willy nilly


But at least the summer is nearly over so the hipster cyclists will be locking up their fixies "oh I CAN'T stop because I haven't learned to trackstand and putting a foot down would be so bad for my image", and the summer cyclists will be "oh it's spitting, get the car out" and we regulars who know how to ride properly will be the ones left out there.


Sick to the back teeth of people telling me what a cyclist did because they know I'm a cyclist - it's like telling them that a Transit van driver picked up and assaulted a child in a "you drive a transit van so you must be a child molester" tone....




I personally don't have a problem using that cycle path heading towards Hillsborough, especially on a morning where my legs are still half asleep - it makes for a quieter ride up the slight incline but it requires care - there is a hidden path joining it from the left 3/4 of the way up that any adult, child or dog on a lead (or off) could suddenly appear from - and until you know it's there, it's hidden. So if you don't ride it regularly and are unaware, that is a hazard.


Heading towards Shalesmoor however, on the section after Micky Flynn's where the cycle path exists, it is not difficult for most cyclists to reach a 25-30mph speed. Unfortunately SOME drivers when faced with a speedometer and a cyclist in front will ignore the speedo and decide that they need to be going faster than a bike because bikes go at 5mph




I always thought of myself as a law abiding citizen, never been done for anything, have you?? pot kettle black, does that ring a bell?

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There isn't a cycle path just there. It starts just after the chicane as you're going downhill (as I was) or just before it going up. Using it (as I always do with considerable inconvenience to myself) requires me to slow down and swerve sharply to leave the main carriageway and cross the pavement. Riding on the pavement where there's no cycle path contravenes the highway code.


Apologies, I think I am looking at the wrong place (I'm looking at the traffic island just where the cycle lane does start) - are you talking about Albert Terrace Road? If so I think I do see the chicane you mean and you are right that the cycle lane does not start until closer to the Infirmary Road. So you're right to say it's not an option.



Leave out the tired old anti-cyclist cliches please. If cycle paths were designed with bikes in mind perhaps more cyclists would use them (as I always do).


Directed at me? Apart from asking if you could use the cycle lane (covered above) I don't think I made any other cliched coments?


As for sensationalism, when someone delberately aims a heavy vehicle at a cyclist, what do they think the end result will be? Deliberate serious harm is meant. I have a knowldege of the law, and where deliberate serious harm is meant and results in death it's murder.


I'm sorry, it's possible you are right and there are genuinely people out there trying to hurt you at this road (in which case you need a head cam and video evidence, pronto - passed on to the authorities) but most people are I'm afraid going to agree with me that it's a bit OTT your original claim. It is incredibly possible and likely that these people are actually just being careless or aggressive in their driving at this point on the road, not taking in to consideration your presence at the chicane.


Please try cycling in Sheffield to see the dangerous hateful and illegal attitude of many motorists before you accuse me of being sensationalist.


I'm not a cyclist?




Have to say, I was all 'geared' (lllloooollll) up to support you on this thread, certainly in terms of it looking dangerous to cycle through, if motorists are not being considerate, but you seem incredibly aggressive towards anyone who has so far commented on this thread, so sod ya.

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here we go (AGAIN).. its called common sense, sometimes its much safer for the cyclist to use their own judgment and go through red lights... safer for them and it doesn't hold the traffic up that's behind who are usually itching to put their foot down when it turns amber..


Its is NEVER ok to go through a red light.......... that applies to cyclists as well as motorists. What gives you the right to think its acceptable to go through a red light. ? If you sailed through a red light and was hit by a vehicle coming the other way through a Green light would you would blame the motorist for hitting you. ?

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