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Infirmary Road Tesco - are drivers targeting cyclists?

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which one,,, the coffee maybe?.. no seriously i have always thought that going through red lights when its safe to do so is only common sense.

whats the point of waiting for the change(if they ever do) if its safe to go through.

thats why they have put those funny drop kerbs next to the crossing on penistone road. technically if they were on red you could go up the pavement for a yard then back onto the road... all legal and above board.

but you frighten the people using the crossing!!!


---------- Post added 21-08-2013 at 22:24 ----------


Its is NEVER ok to go through a red light.......... that applies to cyclists as well as motorists. What gives you the right to think its acceptable to go through a red light. ? If you sailed through a red light and was hit by a vehicle coming the other way through a Green light would you would blame the motorist for hitting you. ?


Yes it is.....COMMON SENSE says so

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With a main arterial dual carriageway right next to it, why doesn't traffic on Infirmary Road move on to and use that instead?


The answer is likely to be roughly the same


With the added fact that the cycle path on Infirmary Road especially at Tesco is half blocked with overhanging shrubbery and awkward in partts for two cyclists to pass


So the comparison would be more apt if Penistone Road were a single-track road with passing places and asking why don't drivers just use that insead?


More unnecessary aggression!


I could be very wrong about which 'chicane' this whole thread is about but I was under the impression the OP wasn't talking about Infirmary Road itself, just Infirmary Road Tesco, and one of the two traffic calming measures on Albert Terrace Road?


So I'm not sure your comparison works? Either way, calm down!

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Its is NEVER ok to go through a red light..........


My earlier post explains why that is incorrect, and the Highway Code backs me up on that. Also (being pedantic) it is OK to go through a red light when directed to do so by a Police Officer.


"NEVER" is a strong word and perhaps not the correct one


"Not OK to go through because you think you know best" however, I would be in agreement with


---------- Post added 21-08-2013 at 22:34 ----------


More unnecessary aggression!


Please explain how that was in any way "aggressive"


You asked a question. I illustrated an answer by giving a comparison between asking cyclists to go on a narrow, often obstructed path, to asking drivers to leave a clear thouroughfare which they have every right to use, to instead use a narrow country lane

And if you don't like it than you can step outside <= is aggression. And nothing like my reply


However you do seem to be correct, the exact location was not made clear to anyone unfamiliar with the location of insurance companies -compounded by your question "However, with a cycle lane just alongside it, why isn't it possible for you to move on to and use that instead" which implies the section of Infirmary Road where there is a cycle path. And not Albert Terrace Road where there isn't a cycle path!

Edited by Squiggs
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which one,,, the coffee maybe?.. no seriously i have always thought that going through red lights when its safe to do so is only common sense.

whats the point of waiting for the change(if they ever do) if its safe to go through.

thats why they have put those funny drop kerbs next to the crossing on penistone road. technically if they were on red you could go up the pavement for a yard then back onto the road... all legal and above board.

but you frighten the people using the crossing!!!


---------- Post added 21-08-2013 at 22:24 ----------



Yes it is.....COMMON SENSE says so


I only noticed those drop kerbs recently after cycling that route for over a year. I normally join the cycle path further on opposite the B&Q, thus avoiding having to cross the road near the Greyhound Stadium. I have used them a couple of times to join the beginning of the cycle path outside the gym, but you are right, if there are people waiting at the crossing it gets a bit trickier.

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Please explain how that was in any way "aggressive"


You asked a question. I illustrated an answer by giving a comparison between asking cyclists to go on a narrow, often obstructed path, to asking drivers to leave a clear thouroughfare which they have every right to use, to instead use a narrow country lane

And if you don't like it than you can step outside <= is aggression. And nothing like my reply


I understood your comparison; I was looking for a very simple contextual description of why the cycle lane was not a suitable alternative to the supposed death trap chicane. Your answer came across as quite patronising and dismissive of me, as if I was a fool for suggesting using the cycle lane but I may have taken it to heart a bit too quick ;)


I'm not familiar with that cycle lane. A simple description of it's location and condition would have sufficed.



Anyway, it sounds like with no other alternative routes (cycle lanes) to use, and with no one thus far coming forward to say they have experienced the same thing, I think the OP's only option is to now get a head-cam of come kind to record video evidence?

Edited by AndrewC
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As the location has been clarified, and there aren't any cycle paths there to use or not to use...


I would add that the problem doesn't seem to be just cyclists.


More than once I've been heading uphill in a car, to have an oncoming vehicle give it "no way are you pulling out pal, MY right of way!" and join a stationary queue completely blocking it


I think it's one of those locations that for some reason trigger the "I must push on regardless" mentality

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you see this is what i am trying to say, i know the law says to do this and that but in the real sometimes painful world we live in, its just not that simple.

the individual has to have some leeway as to how the implement the law at certain points in day to day lives.

this i feel is one of them and to say that the law MUST BE OBEYED AT ALL TIMES is just stupid. but if people insist then drivers should also be made to obey the law,that includes sticking to speed limits, not using your phone, not tail gating, dont drive without a seat belt on, dont drive with children in without a booster seat.. the list is endless. and how many of you on here have broken these laws???.. are you criminals then?..

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"However, with a cycle lane just alongside it, why isn't it possible for you to move on to and use that instead" which implies the section of Infirmary Road where there is a cycle path. And not Albert Terrace Road where there isn't a cycle path!


There is one but further down, about 2m to left of the road side and very overgrown by the looks of it on google maps. Not ideal. Perhaps another thing for the OP to talk to his/her MP about!

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Sheffield is built on 4 big hills, so hardly anyone cycle's to work, hence the SCC make very little provision for cyclists and have make a complete mess of the cycle lane network.


Plus the fact that Sheffield people are particularly ignorant and in all probability do not have the intellect to realize that you cycling to commute is actually doing them a favor.


I can only apologize for what happened to you on behalf of the 1% that have a bit of intelligence and a moral conscience.

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Whilst cycling home from work tonight, the driver of a blue Transit tipper tried to knock me off at the chicane between Tesco and Aviva's premises entrances. I was travelling downhill, so were they. A similar thing happened to a friend of my wife recently. Does anyone else have experience of motorists attempting to murder them - let's not beat about the bush here- by using their vehicle as a weapon?

If I can get an idea of how often this is occurring, I can contact the council recommending the chicane be removed as this puts cyclists in needless conflict with other road users and reduces the safety of this stretch of road.



When I see the road narrowing like that on my bike I'd be getting in the middle of the lane to stop cars overtaking at that point

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