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Infirmary Road Tesco - are drivers targeting cyclists?

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Your answer came across as quite patronising and dismissive of me, as if I was a fool for suggesting using the cycle lane but I may have taken it to heart a bit too quick ;)

perhaps, but you should understand that comments along the lines of "why are you on the road anyway when there's a (often inadequate) cycle lane" are oft repeated almost as justification for "well, you were in the way so deserved it" and begin to sound like "why didn't you just give the school bully your dinner money then if you felt uncomfortable with him threatening you" - or the shorter variant "might is right" which is always a dangerous philosophy

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Sheffield is built on 4 big hills, so hardly anyone cycle's to work, hence the SCC make very little provision for cyclists and have make a complete mess of the cycle lane network.


Plus the fact that Sheffield people are particularly ignorant and in all probability do not have the intellect to realize that you cycling to commute is actually doing them a favor.


I can only apologize for what happened to you on behalf of the 1% that have a bit of intelligence and a moral conscience.


Thanks for that. I was going to appologise for the 1% on my next post.

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you see this is what i am trying to say, i know the law says to do this and that but in the real sometimes painful world we live in, its just not that simple.

the individual has to have some leeway as to how the implement the law at certain points in day to day lives.

this i feel is one of them and to say that the law MUST BE OBEYED AT ALL TIMES is just stupid. but if people insist then drivers should also be made to obey the law,that includes sticking to speed limits, not using your phone, not tail gating, dont drive without a seat belt on, dont drive with children in without a booster seat.. the list is endless. and how many of you on here have broken these laws???.. are you criminals then?..

Trying to excuse your law breaking by claiming that other people also do so is a very poor argument.


The fact is you running red lights causes some drivers to tar all cyclists with the same brush - you only have to look at how frequently you see "cyclists never stop at red lights" comments on here. Your behaviour is one of the reasons why some drivers are so hostile to cyclists and makes the road less safe for the rest of us.

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Kinda off the subject, but isit only me who thinks cyclists should have road insurance? Or do other believe that too. They're not above the law!


What happens if a cyclist has a collision with a car and they're at fault? All damaged would have to be claimed through the drivers insurance. Wouldn't this effect their no claims?

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Kinda off the subject, but isit only me who thinks cyclists should have road insurance? Or do other believe that too. They're not above the law!


What happens if a cyclist has a collision with a car and they're at fault? All damaged would have to be claimed through the drivers insurance. Wouldn't this effect their no claims?


The if the cyclist is at fault they are financially responsible for the damage and can be taken to court for it. You can do an awful lot more damage with a car than with a bike. Drivers might create more damage than they can be reasonably expected to afford to put right which is not the case with cyclists. That is why the government makes insurance mandatory for cars but not for bikes. Pedestrians don't have insurance either because they are even less likely cause unaffordable damage.

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There isn't a cycle path just there. It starts just after the chicane as you're going downhill (as I was) or just before it going up. Using it (as I always do with considerable inconvenience to myself) requires me to slow down and swerve sharply to leave the main carriageway and cross the pavement. Riding on the pavement where there's no cycle path contravenes the highway code.


Leave out the tired old anti-cyclist cliches please. If cycle paths were designed with bikes in mind perhaps more cyclists would use them (as I always do).


As for sensationalism, when someone delberately aims a heavy vehicle at a cyclist, what do they think the end result will be? Deliberate serious harm is meant. I have a knowldege of the law, and where deliberate serious harm is meant and results in death it's murder.


Please try cycling in Sheffield to see the dangerous hateful and illegal attitude of many motorists before you accuse me of being sensationalist.


if you want 2 wheels and respect get a motor bike, life is much safer, like proper lid and leathers

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here we go (AGAIN).. its called common sense, sometimes its much safer for the cyclist to use their own judgment and go through red lights... safer for them and it doesn't hold the traffic up that's behind who are usually itching to put their foot down when it turns amber..


so OK tell me AGAIN, why cyclists should be exempt from the rules of the road?


---------- Post added 22-08-2013 at 08:22 ----------


re read the previous post will you.... and driver stick to the speed limit ever time you use your car!!...HAHA if only......


I HAVE reread the post and you STILL dont say why its OK for cyclists to break the law. Exactly the same arguments can be used for motorists


please explain to me why its was perfectly OK for that cyclist who ran the red light on a crossing and nearly sending me flying? how was that common sense and acting safely?


---------- Post added 22-08-2013 at 08:24 ----------


thank god. think of all those pounds worth of fuel you drivers are wasting sitting in traffic jams!//


---------- Post added 21-08-2013 at 21:21 ----------



but cyclist dont kill people with speed!!, ,


so if that cyclist mentioned hit a child at over 30 MPH he wouldnt have killed him?


monkey your arguments for allowing cyclists to ignore the rules of the road are totally false

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I had the driver of a small van shouting at me this morning because he couldn't pass me as I went through the either Primrose view or Bamford Street tram stop. Beeping first, then shouting when he pulled up next to me at the lights.

I can only assume that he's angry because he's a bit chubby and has to drive an old van.


In answer to his questions though (in case he's actually smart enough to use a computer), I don't use the Penistone Rd cycle path for several reasons

a) It's not going where I want

b) It's badly designed

c) It's often covered in debris.


A) should have been fairly obvious though, as it's the same reason I assume he's not driving on Penistone road.


He descended into obscenity after that. Unfortunately he never got in front of me (which makes it all the funnier IMO, had he managed his dangerous attempt to overtake it would have made no difference to his journey). So I can't report him to the police or his employer. Maybe I'll be lucky enough to bump into him again though, I use that road twice a day, 5 days a week.


At least he didn't try to kill me, although that could have been because he was behind a queue of cars whilst I'd ridden off and was back on my way to work.

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I always thought of myself as a law abiding citizen, never been done for anything, have you?? pot kettle black, does that ring a bell?


so you have NEVER ridden through a red light on your cycle? Yeah sure, law abiding!!


---------- Post added 22-08-2013 at 08:34 ----------



Yes it is.....COMMON SENSE says so


something it appears you do NOT have. Pleasse cite the EXACT place it says in the law that you are allowed to jump red lights?


---------- Post added 22-08-2013 at 08:39 ----------


They're not above the law!?


But according to monkey they ARE!!

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