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Memories of Roxy's Nightclub

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Originally posted by slimsid2000

In what years did you go there? I went from 1993 to 1996.



Oh we were early nineties gang. When Roxys was at its best. the queuing up the ramp, the pushing in, the stress of getting your date of birth right for grab a granny night. The early days saw a lot of fighting and stabbing in Roxys. Lots of people getting thrown out of the back door only to come back round to the front and get back in again.

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Roxy's rocknight on Mondays late 80's early 90's was brill.

Men in leather trousers mmmm them were the days.


I even had a membership card got in for free woohoo!

Still got it somewhere, shiny black plastic with silver Roxy's Rocknight logo on it.

Was anyone else sad enough to get one?


Does anyone one remember the Roxy's rock queen competition that was won by the blonde transvestite?

cant remember his/her name she was about 6ft4 lots of hair and always wore nearly there skirts.


Me and my mates used to go around awarding the butt of the week award, where any fine gentleman with a really nice rear end (in our opinion) was awarded with a pint of beer.

Excellent chat up line and frequently worked he he.


those were the days my friend....

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I remember Roxy's very well


I got caught once selling the free entry passes to the masses waiting outside, The bouncers litterally carried me into the club by my hair (ouch) and after a considerably long plead for my freedom the head bouncer let me go without calling the police, pretty good of him I thought. especialy as I was able to return later that night and sneak my way in. Those where the days!

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did anybody go to the rock nights, first Monday of every month at first then they used to do one on the third Monday. Happy days. i remember people coming from Doncaster and Notttingham. i was pleased to have a bit more space and a better sound system than Rebels. Shame about the ale....

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Originally posted by creaghan

I got caught once selling the free entry passes to the masses waiting outside, The bouncers litterally carried me into the club by my hair (ouch)


I remember the bouncers from the 70’s were a very kind and understanding lot. :suspect:

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  • 5 months later...
Originally posted by brummy_tracy

Does anyone one remember the Roxy's rock queen competition that was won by the blonde transvestite?

cant remember his/her name she was about 6ft4 lots of hair and always wore nearly there skirts.

Wasn't that competition actually sponsored by Kerrang?

the club found out later that he wasn't really a girl and stripped her/him of the place won in the heats. There was such an outcry he/she was reinstated before the next rock night rolled around :thumbsup:

Photo courtesy of MuddyCoffee ;)

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wasn't it top rank in early eighties?


i remember seeing a battle of the bands competition there, 1981 i think. local progressive rock band 'haze' were tipped to win but were beaten by an awful synth duo who sang 'magazine girl' or summat.


didn't go again until 1999 or so when they started doing 50p a pint on wednesday nights!

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I worked on the doors during the early 80s. when barry noble died they had a minutes silence for him at midnight on a saturday.

It was all going respectfully enough until someone shouts "is that alright fo ya's" the management went mad and ordered us to find the guy, we never did.


the worst where the student pyjama jump nights, shocking sights i tell you!


and they ran 'chey' nights for a while which stood for campaign for homosexual equality, those night where never any trouble and we'd just let the organizers run the door.


The christmas dinner do's where boring with one exeption when i was so bored i asked if i could help out the kitchen staff, they allowed me to light the christmas puddings,

one girl came through with a bit too much brandy on her puddings and as i lit them blue flames engulfed her boobs, she dropped the tray and we got a round of applause from the diners.

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Originally posted by pete_fcs

wasn't it top rank in early eighties?


i remember seeing a battle of the bands competition there, 1981 i think. local progressive rock band 'haze' were tipped to win but were beaten by an awful synth duo who sang 'magazine girl' or summat.!


I was there and that competition was fixed. It must of been I'd seen Haze loads of times and so knew they were on top form. The rubbish that won were simply naff and a lot of the people there semed to agree.

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