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Jobless youth lack Brit grit

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'Lastly, the welfare system plays its malign part, providing perverse incentives for people to remain jobless because benefits can pay as much as a salary'


An 18 year old on JSA receives £56.80 pw.

If an employer is paying someone this much a week, they are paying them £1.62 per hour.

Hardly an incentive to go out to work, especially once weekly travel fares are taken into consideration and food for lunch.


What do employers want to do, pay them less?


First the Coalition malign those on Benifits, then they malign YOUR children.

Who will they malign next? Anyone, as long as it detracts from the greedy bankers and the Coalitions failed policies.


Reading this article anyone would think that the author, or Nick Hurd (son of Douglas, and possessor of great British 'grit' whose speech provoked this article); are saying that the unemployed cause unemployment


---------- Post added 22-08-2013 at 13:50 ----------


It sure takes a lot of grit to sit home all day whinging, doing nothing and actually being paid to do it.


Really? There was me thinking that the unemployed lay in bed all day, or devising schemes on how to rip off the virtuous and hard working moral majority of this country.

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Nobody is owed a job.


Funny how tens of thousands of young carers in this country cut short their education and save the taxpayers billions to look after sick and ill parents.

Still you wouldn't expect the Minister for Civil Society to have pointed that out :roll:

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Not like the Daily Mail to sensationalise everything is it? Last week they lacked qualifications, now they lack grit. What will it be next week I wonder?[/quote



It's not the Daily Mail saying it,they are only printing it,Luke Johnson is saying it.


Who said anything about the Daily Mail saying it?

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It sure takes a lot of grit to sit home all day whinging, doing nothing and actually being paid to do it.


I don't suppose Nick Hurd, son of former cabinet minister Douglas Hurd, would ever be found writing an autobiography entitled 'My Struggle', with the family connections and the privileged upbringing he's had.

Let's kick the unemployed while they're on the ground shall we!

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I don't suppose Nick Hurd, son of former cabinet minister Douglas Hurd, would ever be found writing an autobiography entitled 'My Struggle', with the family connections and the privileged upbringing he's had.

Let's kick the unemployed while they're on the ground shall we!


It's not only Hurd that recognises the problem, it's something that has been picked up by employers in general according to the link.

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£56.80 per week, plus council tax benefit, plus housing benefit, plus free prescriptions, plus countless other freebies. The cap is £26,000 and lefties are bleating about that being far too low.


We need a return to the bulldog spirit that won us WW2. We didn't need no welfare state then. Everyone pulled their weight and we were a truly great nation.

I take it that your double negative irony dawned upon you?


We did need a Welfare State back then, we just didn't have it in WW2!

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I don't suppose Nick Hurd, son of former cabinet minister Douglas Hurd, would ever be found writing an autobiography entitled 'My Struggle', with the family connections and the privileged upbringing he's had.

Let's kick the unemployed while they're on the ground shall we!


I guess it depends if the young person has any grit. If I was a young unemployed person, I wouldn't be wasting my time worrying about what everybody else has or hasn't got. We all get dealt our cards and that's all we have to play. So instead of whining that everyone else has better cards, just start playing. But the whiners refuse to play, they'd rather throw the board up in the air. Because it's easier to moan and get paid for doing nothing than god forbid make an effort.

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Not sure they lack grit, but do think they lack confidence, which isn't surprising considering they are constantly being criticised and having the stuffing knocked out of them.


They've inherited a difficult world to grow up in. We should be doing all we can to ease them into it with a bit of understanding and nurturing instead of expecting them to emerge fully formed to face the world.


We had to learn, and so do they.

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