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Wedding venue help & advice please!

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£1500 just to use a building for 24 hours seems like making plenty of money to me. If I could rent my house out for that I'd have the mortgage paid off in 6 months!



Buying and running a house is nothing like running a business. For a start they will have business rates to pay not domestic rates. Think insurance, staff and all the other overheads. Is your house the same size as the venue you are looking at? If not, think about how much it will cost to buy, heat and maintain etc.


A lot of venues want you to pay several thousands of pounds to hire the venue plus pay for a hot three course meal and buy wine and something fizzy for the toast. I do think its cheeky asking several thousand to hire a venue of you are buying meal and drink, I know I wouldn't pay the prices some venues are asking.


I do hope you find something but its likley you will have to compromise on at least one wish on your list. Please don't let it spoilt your day if you can't find anything 'perfect'. Have fun, enjoy your special day and don't forget its about the wedding and the celebration with family and friends.

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£1500 just to use a building for 24 hours seems like making plenty of money to me. If I could rent my house out for that I'd have the mortgage paid off in 6 months!


Buying and running a house is nothing like running a business. For a start they will have business rates to pay not domestic rates. Think insurance, staff and all the other overheads. Is your house the same size as the venue you are looking at? If not, think about how much it will cost to buy, heat and maintain etc.


A lot of venues want you to pay several thousands of pounds to hire the venue plus pay for a hot three course meal and buy wine and something fizzy for the toast. I do think its cheeky asking several thousand to hire a venue of you are buying meal and drink, I know I wouldn't pay the prices some venues are asking.


I do hope you find something but its likley you will have to compromise on at least one wish on your list. Please don't let it spoilt your day if you can't find anything 'perfect'. Have fun, enjoy your special day and don't forget its about the wedding and the celebration with family and friends.


Yes - obviously its not exactly the same as a house, but it is still a legitimate comparison. As a house owner I still pay 'rates'. I still have insurance. I still pay heating and lighting bills. I have to pay VAT on them too - and I pay them with an income I've already paid income tax and national insurance on. My house (a pretty average ~100 sq m floor area) is considerably bigger than the "tents" I was looking at by the way - they're not all that big. Most of the venues I've looked at are village halls or similar so they also have a similar floor area as well. I don't want lots of staffing so that isn't an expense either - I want to provide my own catering etc. I'm also not bothered about a venue with accommodation, although the ones that include accommodation (and are therefore bigger) charge extra for each room which already covers the expense they have due to the extra size.


I just think as soon as the W word is mentioned a lot of venues add a 0 on the end of the price and rub their hands with glee. Reminds me of the Harry Enfield "I saw you coming" sketch. If I spend all day feeling robbed then it will hardly be the enjoyable celebration it is supposed to be!


Given my experiences so far I'm seriously tempted to look at starting my own business running a wedding venue. I could charge 1/2 what I've generally seen quoted and it would still be a license to print money.

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Have you looked at this venue? My sister and I did a buffet for wedding here, I'm sure the bridal party provided their own wine.




Cheers for the suggestion. Yes - I've recently emailed them about it. It says you can hold your reception in the woods or on the lawn with a marquee. It's £2000 + the marquee (at least another £2000) so it's too expensive sadly.


---------- Post added 27-08-2013 at 14:58 ----------


Have you tried Hartington Hall? It's abut further out and I'm not sure it ticks all of your boxes but might be worth enquiring? We're getting married at Woodlane and I was quite shocked to see how much their prices have gone up!!


It's on my list of "to get in touch with" - it looks like it's got potential, but there isn't much info on the YHA website. I'll follow it up directly, cheers!

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Now that is much more like it! Bit of a trek from Sheffield (3/4 of our guests live or will be staying in south Sheff) but its the first "nice" venue I've seen at a sensible price. Cheers!


your welcome

I know its a trek that's the only downside to it I think

I like the idea of the bandstand though ;)

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Kenwood Hall do let you cater yourself. but I think the room hire is more than your budget.


Possibly worth trawling through this list:




Cheers. No mention on the Kenwood Hall site what their hire only rate would be, I'll e-mail them but I suspect you're right about the price


Cheers for the list site - there is a list on the council website of all the licensed venues which I'm working my way through.

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