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Last building left on the Ponderosa


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THe path that runs parallel to Martin Street was in. The hill that was running 90 degree to it was known as Red Hill because it was not tarmaced. From the intersection of that, on the Infirmary side it was about 75 to 100yds in(old money). Can't remember it's size but it was big in factories sites around there at the time. If it helps my wifes auntie lived on Hammond Hill that overlooked it(she thinks):hihi:

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I know there were a lot of factories in between Fawcett St, Bellefield St , and Wentworth st., some quite big and others small like little mesters shops, one of my old pals dad had a small joiners shop down there, but as for names of the factories I'm sorry but I can't help you desy. Maybe you could find out in the central library in the Kelly's.

Sorry mate

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