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The Middle East: only Wars & Conflict ! .. ??

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After reading your posts maybe more people will start thinking outside the box instead of relying on the controlled propaganda they are fed via popular media sources.



With a bit of luck, the major powers will wait and see what is fed to them ON (as opposed to in) the box.


When it's all over, perhaps we might like to talk to whatever crawls out of the ashes?


Or perhaps we might not.


It's their country, their war and their business.

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i was gonna write similer, most of the conflicts are since the west, and countries like russia poke their noses in where its not wanted


But it's not the west's fault that groups like Sunnis and Shi'ites just cannot get along together is it?


Larwrence of Arabia after WW One tried to organize some unity among the different tribes but even then he knew it was a lost cause and returned to England.


The Middle east needs strong rulers like Saddam, Ghadaffi, Mubarak because they are the only type of leaders who can maintain law and order. Forget democracy... they're not ready for it yet

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So you would advocate we get our heads down, tote that bale and accept everything they do in our name without making a comment?

Do you read or watch anything other than the Daily Brainwash?

Very strange comments you make.url]


Government should be scrutinised. People do it, there are some decent journos in the sea of filth that is Fleet Street and they find consistently info we need to know about. Ive little time for both government snd the media, but both are respected globally, to a degree, for good reason. Digging out YouTube links and thinking that makes you and your mate Erebus the beacons of truth - newsflash - it doesn't.


Erebus talking about British soldiers killing people for fun is a lie and offensive. Erebus thinking the powers that be and, by proxy us voters laughing at wars and foreigners dying offends me. Talking about the great British public as though we are all stupid consumers and we don't know what's going on offends me. You and your mate don't know your born. Move to china, Russia and type some of the crap you type and let me know how you get on.

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Government should be scrutinised. People do it, there are some decent journos in the sea of filth that is Fleet Street and they find consistently info we need to know about. Ive little time for both government snd the media, but both are respected globally, to a degree, for good reason. Digging out YouTube links and thinking that makes you and your mate Erebus the beacons of truth - newsflash - it doesn't.


Erebus talking about British soldiers killing people for fun is a lie and offensive. Erebus thinking the powers that be and, by proxy us voters laughing at wars and foreigners dying offends me. Talking about the great British public as though we are all stupid consumers and we don't know what's going on offends me. You and your mate don't know your born. Move to china, Russia and type some of the crap you type and let me know how you get on.


But for some reason, he doesn't get banned.

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But for some reason, he doesn't get banned.


That's because he mostly doesnt actually state those things himself. He gets away with all the outrageous garbage because he cuts and pastes from the daily news of the day published in the Bugs Bunny Loony Tunes Gazette

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But it's not the west's fault that groups like Sunnis and Shi'ites just cannot get along together is it?


Larwrence of Arabia after WW One tried to organize some unity among the different tribes but even then he knew it was a lost cause and returned to England.


The Middle east needs strong rulers like Saddam, Ghadaffi, Mubarak because they are the only type of leaders who can maintain law and order. Forget democracy... they're not ready for it yet

and whos getting rid of those strong leaders? Oo

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and whos getting rid of those strong leaders? Oo


Bush Jnr in Iraq and Afghanistan. Cameron and Sarkozy in Libya. As for Mubarak I would imagine that Obama wasnt very happy at his demise. Mubarak after all was America's key ally in the Arab world but when the mobs take to the street and start yelling about liberty for all and Mubarak seen as a cruel dictator western leaders see themselves as being caught between a rock and a hard place

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Bush Jnr in Iraq and Afghanistan. Cameron and Sarkozy in Libya. As for Mubarak I would imagine that Obama wasnt very happy at his demise. Mubarak after all was America's key ally in the Arab world but when the mobs take to the street and start yelling about liberty for all and Mubarak seen as a cruel dictator western leaders see themselves as being caught between a rock and a hard place

exactly, the west get rid of those strong leaders and wonder why it all turns to sheet

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Who should be getting rid of those strong leaders?


Isn't that the job of the people who live there?


If they get rid of the 'strong leaders' and replace them with 'people we like' then they are (or should be) classed as 'our friends'. If they replace them with 'people we don't like" then they should be classed as 'not our friends.'


That's up to them - but (IMO) they can forget about 'foreign aid'.


Aid is something you give to your friends, not to any bunch of arseholes just because they happen to have taken over a country.


They (or not too many of them) won't starve to death because they have to do without foreign aid for a year or so ... (though hunger does tend to concentrate the mind.)


Their country. Their choice. But they should live with the result of that choice.

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