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..seismic change is under way.. The death of the middle classes

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For all Labour's talk of the squeezed middle are they actually right after all




Not often the Daily Mail does doom as well as it. I think there is something in it.


How many families are bustin' their balls trying to keep up the pretence of still being middle class?

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Where it tries to do facts it gets it spectacularly wrong. £60k required for a deposit for a first time buyer to buy a house outside London? Does the Mail imagine the middle classes are confined to the stockbroker belts?

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The disappearance of the middle-class. What a lovely thought. The greed of the middle-class, especially over house prices, has finally caught up with them. They've been pandered to by Thatcherite Tory and Labour governments for over 30 years and it's killing them. Ha ha. They should try being working class. At least they're tough enough to survive.

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The disappearance of the middle-class. What a lovely thought. The greed of the middle-class, especially over house prices, has finally caught up with them. They've been pandered to by Thatcherite Tory and Labour governments for over 30 years and it's killing them. Ha ha. They should try being working class. At least they're tough enough to survive.


Are you an invented persona? It's just that you come straight from central casting as Student Grant leftie.

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The disappearance of the middle-class. What a lovely thought. ...


They'll probably emigrate (those who haven't done so already.) Taking all the jobs they produce with them.


They should try being working class. At least they're tough enough to survive.


Hopefully they'll be tough enough to generate their own jobs when there's nobody to do that for them.

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Never believed in the middle class, "I'm better than you, but not him," lark. You either have to work or you don't.


Some people say that class's, or "categories" of people don't actually exist, but its self evident they do exist; people do individually and collectively pursue certain interests and those that have similar interests, do, whether they do it consciously or not, gravitate towards one another both socially and professionally thus forming a "class".

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