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..seismic change is under way.. The death of the middle classes

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Nothing has happened?


Have you had any dealings with the NHS lately? Or care providers? People are dying of neglect. Care homes are becoming unaffordable even if you have a home to sell. While what you say might be the government line, it isn't borne out on the ground.


The chamber of commerce can say what it likes, (and prediction isn't fact) the fact is my pension pot is now worth half what it was 7 years ago. Savings get virtually no interest. Food prices are rocketing, people are having to go to food banks to eat. Working people's wages are so low they are having to be subsidised by the state. Proper jobs are disappearing. There's another huge debt bubble about to burst - I could go on.... Does that sound like improvement to you?


China now virtually owns America. It's been buying up bonds for years like crazy. There's more than one way to take over and dominate the world. Cyber attacks are taking place every day.


You really only seem to get your information from the media, and they are controlled by people with a vested interest in feeding you ****.


The fact you dismiss erebus' post as 'waffle' shows you have little idea of what is really going on.

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Nothing has happened?


Have you had any dealings with the NHS lately? Or care providers? People are dying of neglect. Care homes are becoming unaffordable even if you have a home to sell. While what you say might be the government line, it isn't borne out on the ground.


The chamber of commerce can say what it likes, (and prediction isn't fact) the fact is my pension pot is now worth half what it was 7 years ago. Savings get virtually no interest. Food prices are rocketing, people are having to go to food banks to eat. Working people's wages are so low they are having to be subsidised by the state. Proper jobs are disappearing. There's another huge debt bubble about to burst - I could go on.... Does that sound like improvement to you?


China now virtually owns America. It's been buying up bonds for years like crazy. There's more than one way to take over and dominate the world. Cyber attacks are taking place every day.


You really only seem to get your information from the media, and they are controlled by people with a vested interest in feeding you ****.


The fact you dismiss erebus' post as 'waffle' shows you have little idea of what is really going on.

Erebus' post was waffle because it didn't have any facts or any real content.


I get my information from a variety of sources, thanks.

I have been treated by the NHS 3 times in the last 2 years including a minor op and all I can say it was excellent service. Care homes - we have moved in with my parents and will look after them.


As for China owning the US, I don't care. It doesn't affect me and unlikely to affect you. In fact as I've already said China don't go around starting wars every 5minutes

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