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Drugs - to legalise or not?

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I see, so the government support of the viscious Vitamin C retailers is against the best interests of the company.

And the entire drinks industry should be immediately closed down with everyone who has any contact at all thrown straight into gaol.


The number of people working in the sex trade??? How do you go from having purity testing kits in nightclubs to people selling sex?


might start with one ecstasy tablet could progress rapidly into a dangerous addiction


or it COULD lead to any number of things. Do you have any evidence to suggest that your particular scenario is likely to become more likely if testing kits were available?


There is already an increase in violent crime

and in what way is that related to testing kits or drug use at all?

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I think it will certainly encourage people to take more risks, they'll feel safer (if thats possible) about taking drugs. It will lead to an influx in young people dabbling in drugs, what might start with one ecstasy tablet could progress rapidly into a dangerous addiction soon followed by death.


It wouldn't lead to addiction to ecstasy, as it is not physiologically addictive. You'll find that a pretty high number of young people are already dabbling in drugs, and that the ever-decreasing price can only increase the number. Ten years ago, an E cost £10-£15 in London. Now you can get them for £1, and I'm told the quality is fairly good. What's pocket money these days?


As Phan implies, we are all for knowing what's in the food we buy, and there are regulations on labelling, but a quite wide strata of society seems content to bury its head in the sand and allow kids to guess what they're taking. All in the name of not wanting to be seen to be soft. Bad idea.

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To all those preaching of Armageddon if drugs are legalised, didnt the media make out this would happen when the new alcohol laws came in?


There is no extra violence, and in Sheffield in paticular (compared to other major cities who already had late bars as standard), it has made the nightlife a lot better.


Who is to say what will hapeen if some or all drugs were legalised?

You have to admit there are good well structured arguments on both sides, so who is to say who is right and who is wrong?




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  • 6 years later...
I think it will certainly encourage people to take more risks, they'll feel safer (if thats possible) about taking drugs. It will lead to an influx in young people dabbling in drugs, what might start with one ecstasy tablet could progress rapidly into a dangerous addiction soon followed by death. I think that if this does happen crime rate may also increase, as would the number of people working in the sex trade. There is already an increase in violent crime, thats the reported stuff. Think of all the victims that there WILL be if drugs become legal and common place. Any government that supports, aides or legalises the taking of drugs is acting against the best interests of the country!


People don't feel safer taking legal highs, in fact quite the opposite, most people prefer illegal substances because of their proven track record.


The increase in crime are the very reasons for legalisation of drugs.

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