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Is weed really bad for you??

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Why not allow it to be prescribed by doctors that way giving some control to it?


At the end of the day its a mind altering drug and think having no control of it would probably increase the amount of people who had issues with it.

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What happens when the small independent growers have a succesful business? You'd make it illegal for them to expand, and illegal for people to invest in them?


If the state has no place to control the purchase of drugs, why does it have place to control how it is sold?


It's a complex issue.


Maybe the growers could work for the state? I don't know. As long as it's not allowed to be commercialised in anyway way, it's much better than the complex issues prohibition has caused!

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Maybe the growers could work for the state? I don't know. As long as it's not allowed to be commercialised in anyway way, it's much better than the complex issues prohibition has caused!


There is no way any legalisation of cannabis would not lead to the commercialisation of it. It would be impossible to prevent.

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Did you watch BBC This World last night, "America's Stoned Kids"?


The closest I've come to being moved off my legalise-it position. There are some awful things happening with the commercialisation of the drug. A chocolate truffle containing enough THC to leave you stoned for the entire day. The world doesn't need canaboids concentrated into such quantaties - in one sweet. A single drink equivalent to six joints. These aren't good things.


There was also a group of kids in rehab, but their problems came from smoking it at a young age, and smoking it far too much.


I've always used a comparison with alcohol. A bit at the weekend with friends, no harm. Monday morning for breakfast, a problem.


Equally, my other point is true. Prohibition doesn't work either. Problems still exist when it is illegal. However it has moved me a little.


Just watched that and suggest anyone thinking legalisation is the answer do the same.


The line that stuck in my head was the teacher who said alcohol issues had stayed the same but cannabis issues have gone up 3 fold.


I doubt that many would drink less if cannabis was legal but can see many who did not smoke cannabis before doing so when its so much easier to get hold of and as such the amount with issues increasing too.

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Weed is less harmful than fags and booze. Fags and booze is legal, weed is not.

Go figure :rolleyes:

In fact hemp was once considered legal tender in the U.S. and the declaratin of independence was written on hemp paper. I seem to remember hearing it became illegal due to cotton growers lobbying congress for some reason. It was a long time ago i heard it so im probably remembering it wrong.


Edited. Ive just found this which explains why its illegal


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