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Is weed really bad for you??

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No it wouldn't. There's plenty of things we buy that aren't commercialised. An out-right ban on commercalisation would work.




Exactly, and they were banned. Yet you can still buy alcohol. Therefore, it would be possible to sell cannabis without letting it get into the hands of the marketing companies.


You can still, legally, purchase vodka jellies and alcopops.

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Yes do watch it, In view of what you've said on another thread,I'm sure you will find it interesting.


OK, I've seen it now. What do you think on the programme related to what I've said in the past?


It didn't really go into crime rates but it did point out the disadvantages of the Colorado legalisation with balanced opinions.

The emphasis on young men in rehab who were struggling to give it up after starting at a very young age convinced me even more that it is addictive to some people.


Difficult to say whether or not it was balanced in terms of the whole cannabis debate.

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No it wouldn't. There's plenty of things we buy that aren't commercialised. An out-right ban on commercalisation would work.


---------- Post added 26-08-2013 at 14:46 ----------



Not true. The effects are far less harmful, no matter how much you use it or how many people use it.


---------- Post added 26-08-2013 at 14:49 ----------



Exactly, and they were banned. Yet you can still buy alcohol. Therefore, it would be possible to sell cannabis without letting it get into the hands of the marketing companies.


---------- Post added 26-08-2013 at 14:53 ----------



Nickleback?? Really??


You must be smoking something stronger than weed!!


Yeah, yeah, it was late and I was tired :hihi:

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OK, I've seen it now. What do you think on the programme related to what I've said in the past?




Difficult to say whether or not it was balanced in terms of the whole cannabis debate.

I recall you mentioning that the drug had been legalised in Colorado which you were in favour of, that's why I thought you would find the programme interesting.

And also that you were one of those who disagreed with me about it being addictive to some people.

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I recall you mentioning that the drug had been legalised in Colorado which you were in favour of, that's why I thought you would find the programme interesting.

And also that you were one of those who disagreed with me about it being addictive to some people.


Yep, the programme was interesting. I think it's a good decision they've made in Colorado. If it turns out to be a bad one, they can reverse it.


The kids on there said they were addicted to it.


Let's be clear, it stated that they were heavy users (slight understatement) and smoked 7 or 8 joints a day 7 days a week. I have never, and would never suggest that a 12 year old boy smokes at all, let alone drugs bought from street criminals, or even anything that much. I wouldn't even think that an adult would fair too well with that much (though since it was illegal when they were doing it, then they could have been taking anything).


I'd say it's as bad as a 12 yo drinking 7 pints a day, or 7 big macs. None of them are likely to be very healthy.


It also delved into one of the kids lives, and when it boiled down to it, he was extremely unhappy at home, because of his parents relationship. Some kids react differently to this - he found escape finding an illegal substance that could have been anything. Some kids try alcohol, some just don't try anything. The lack of balance was because it just showed a handful of quite clearly troubled young men who found a way of dulling the pain of their real lives.


And look where they took them? Just like where they take fat kids, or people with mental health problems - out in the wilderness, back to basics - you know why they do this? Because (whether they deliberately do it or not), humans didn't evolve to live like we do now in western society. Most people get on with it (often oblivious if they've been brain washed into watched soaps/reading gossip or reading religious texts); but modern western life, even though we call it lazy sometimes, is utter chaos. Different people deal with it different ways. I felt for all of those young men.


The figures weren't clear either - it said in the USA usage had increased 3-fold amongst school-children (meaning late teenagers? as that's what it showed in the footage). If you listen again, it said since 1995, and didn't mention any numbers at all. So it has increased 3-fold whilst being illegal and in the hands of criminals. That to me says that prohibition is meaning more people are being led in to buying any old drugs from criminals. Not good.

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Weed is less harmful than fags and booze. Fags and booze is legal, weed is not.

Go figure :rolleyes:

In fact hemp was once considered legal tender in the U.S. and the declaratin of independence was written on hemp paper. I seem to remember hearing it became illegal due to cotton growers lobbying congress for some reason. It was a long time ago i heard it so im probably remembering it wrong.


Edited. Ive just found this which explains why its illegal



i read somewhere that cannabis was made illegal due to lobbying by the wood-pulping industry, as hemp made better paper than trees, and, as usual, corporate profit wins every time.

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i read somewhere that cannabis was made illegal due to lobbying by the wood-pulping industry, as hemp made better paper than trees, and, as usual, corporate profit wins every time.


Yeah, thats sounds pretty much like what i heard. You seem to have got more detail though but yep, thats roughly what i remember hearing too.

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To quote Nickelback:


And we'll hide out in the private rooms

With the latest dictionary and today's who's who

They'll get you anything with that evil smile

Everybody's got a drug dealer on speed dial




to be honest i thought you would have quoted Nickelback


"they're growing dope everywhere around the block, you can smell it you can tell by the way they talk"

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