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Is weed really bad for you??

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I've no problem with legalising cannabis in theory, the biggest problem is that whilst you will stop criminalising the user, the proper big producers (eg organised crime) get more money, legit money at that to fund other activities that aren't legal.


it massively reduces the profit available by such endeavors, but also removes the risk of being arrested, so it basically takes money away from organised crime, as companies and individuals get into producing it legally.


---------- Post added 27-08-2013 at 12:28 ----------


What happens when the small independent growers have a succesful business? You'd make it illegal for them to expand, and illegal for people to invest in them?


If the state has no place to control the purchase of drugs, why does it have place to control how it is sold?


It's a complex issue.


For the same reason it has a place in regulating alcohol and tobacco.


So long as adults have the option to purchase it or grow their own, but the sale of it is monitored and restricted as appropriate, then the state would have the balance correct, IMO.


---------- Post added 27-08-2013 at 12:29 ----------


Just watched that and suggest anyone thinking legalisation is the answer do the same.


The line that stuck in my head was the teacher who said alcohol issues had stayed the same but cannabis issues have gone up 3 fold.


I doubt that many would drink less if cannabis was legal but can see many who did not smoke cannabis before doing so when its so much easier to get hold of and as such the amount with issues increasing too.


There's no evidence to support the idea that legalisation would increase use.


---------- Post added 27-08-2013 at 12:30 ----------


It would be a difficult issue to find real facts, I dont know anyone that uses weed. Just basing my beliefs on what I have seen in the media.



It's quite easy to find scientific studies if you look. You can then base you opinion on something other than the opinions of journalists.


---------- Post added 27-08-2013 at 12:35 ----------


No it wouldn't. There's plenty of things we buy that aren't commercialised. An out-right ban on commercalisation would work.


For example?

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No they weren't


The way they were commercialised and advertised towards younger people was banned.


---------- Post added 30-08-2013 at 19:38 ----------


For example?


Wood, bricks, seeds, grass, soil, dirt.......


Yes they are all packaged, labled etc, but not sold in an aggressive way. Maybe none commercialised is not the right words, but you get the idea.


My point being, it's possible to control how certain products are sold.

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It all depends on the user. It's known to help people with certain health problems.


I've know a few pot smokers who didnt have health problems. They seemed to have little personal ambition and came across as wonkers


My bold=

I know some non weed smokers that have little personal ambition and are wonkers! :hihi:

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I don't think I know any adults that don't or never have smoked weed.


Do you think this might be skewing your views on the public acceptance of cannabis then? The vast majority of people I know have never tried it and would be pretty strongly against any attempts to legalise it.


In my experience, there are only small subsets of urban society who are wanting the law relaxing. Outside of those groups, and especially in rural areas, there's effectively no support whatsoever.

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