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Is weed really bad for you??

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Did you watch BBC This World last night, "America's Stoned Kids"?


The closest I've come to being moved off my legalise-it position. There are some awful things happening with the commercialisation of the drug. A chocolate truffle containing enough THC to leave you stoned for the entire day. The world doesn't need canaboids concentrated into such quantaties - in one sweet. A single drink equivalent to six joints. These aren't good things.

I agree there was a problem with labelling there - but those were prescription only preparations for pain and spasticity relief. The laws governning the sale and packaging of recreational products will have to be totally different. Those products were designed to deliver large doses quickly to people who need the medicinal effects.


But the total lack of any warning on the label of that one manufacturer is problematic.



There was also a group of kids in rehab, but their problems came from smoking it at a young age, and smoking it far too much.


That's a well recognised problem, with all drugs. The pubescent and pre-pubescent mind is incredibly imprint sensitive, and any serious drug use at this age will have far reaching effects into adulthood, as their experiences are shaping their future attitudes.


I started using cannabis around the age of 21-22. I was well grounded and self-observant. If I'd started smoking at 13 it would have been a completely different story.

I've always used a comparison with alcohol. A bit at the weekend with friends, no harm. Monday morning for breakfast, a problem.


Equally, my other point is true. Prohibition doesn't work either. Problems still exist when it is illegal. However it has moved me a little.


If it is legalised, then the problem of children using it becomes much more approachable. Illegitimate supplies should begin to dry up and legitimate suppliers will have strict age enforcement. You'll still get kids messing themselves up whatever the legality, but at least with legalisation you have a framework and process to deal with it, as well as considerably reducing the counter-cultural cachet of the drug.

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You have to treat addicts. Addiction is an illness. Legalising drugs will remove the stigma attached which would lead to more people coming forward and seeking help.


Why? I don't agree. My view, is that people should be allowed to do whatever they want, so long as it doesn't harm other people.


If I choose to do something to myself, that is known to be harmful, it doesn't seem fair that I should expect other people to foot the bill for any treatment I may need as a result of self-harm.

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Why? I don't agree. My view, is that people should be allowed to do whatever they want, so long as it doesn't harm other people.


If I choose to do something to myself, that is known to be harmful, it doesn't seem fair that I should expect other people to foot the bill for any treatment I may need as a result of self-harm.



How do you equate "harming other people" with "footing the bill"?


Or when you say "harm" do you include in that "financial harm"?


---------- Post added 06-09-2013 at 17:21 ----------


I laugh when my four year old makes funny saying like that


Makes funny sayings?


What have you got, a four year old G.K Chesterton?

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Do you think this might be skewing your views on the public acceptance of cannabis then? The vast majority of people I know have never tried it and would be pretty strongly against any attempts to legalise it.


In my experience, there are only small subsets of urban society who are wanting the law relaxing. Outside of those groups, and especially in rural areas, there's effectively no support whatsoever.


I agree. I work in a role where I see a lot of cannabis users and other drug users, and they are all monged, with some defiance and rebelliousness about them.

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