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Remember when we all rented the telly


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Yes I used to run three second hand TV shops and a warehouse down Heely selling ex rental TVs, we used to buy them in the hundreds from warehouses all over the country refurb them and sell them on,they would sell as fast as we could fix them,the amount of TVs was amazing people like Granada and Visionhire had thousands of rental customers,TVs stacked twenty foot high in massive warehouse,very few people rent TVs now they are so cheap to buy now compared to when colour TVs first came out,plus the TVs made then weren't very reliable and people used think that they would cost loads to fix when they went wrong,some of the big name rental companies even had their own make and named Tvs like Rediffusion dorick and and Decca expert a lot of them also had continental manufactures like Finlux and Korting making TVs for them..it really was big business in those days.

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