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Stone handaxe..

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Went up this weekend again, still couldnt find it. If you want to go looking for it Megalithic then it was near the stoen circle on Moscar Moor. I'd come off of Stanage Edge at High Neb, walked on the path under the cliff and then at Crow Chin, ie the southern end of the rocks where the path kinks, took a bearing in the stone circle at Hordron Edge and set off. I guess about 100m from the edge was where I found it, sadly it was well into the heathery stuff which makes searching almost impossible.


If you do find it I apologise profusely for the blood on it (might want to wait till it rains...) I've nothing more infectious than the common cold though :-)

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"Needle in a haystack" springs to mind.


That thought had crossed my mind a few times yes.....:-(


Might wait till the burn off the heather next time up there and go ratting about for it after that. It's not as if the axe is going anywhere....

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Dont think suitable stone exists in the area for making a hand axe unless it was a chance shape removed from a river bed, i expect the clever ones on here will soon be making comment.


Stone was traded far and wide. Just because there may not be suitable stone available locally doesn't mean they didn't have axes. :)

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Stone was traded far and wide. Just because there may not be suitable stone available locally doesn't mean they didn't have axes. :)


And there is a stone circle not that far off as well which was a common meeting location. That's what I was thinking - the axe was chert which is not the sort of rock you find in the gritstone areas there so it would have to have been brought in.

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And there is a stone circle not that far off as well which was a common meeting location. That's what I was thinking - the axe was chert which is not the sort of rock you find in the gritstone areas there so it would have to have been brought in.


Yup plenty of chert around the white peak so sourcing was no problem.


Btw, i made this from Wiltshire flint. :)

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