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Dealing with unwanted visitors?

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You could always ask a male friend around for whenever he's due, and make him feel uncomfortable, or simply say, I'd rather you didn't come in, I've got my boyfriend here, and it's not appropriate. He might take the hint then, that you're clearly not interested in him. Just a thought!

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You could always ask a male friend around for whenever he's due, and make him feel uncomfortable, or simply say, I'd rather you didn't come in, I've got my boyfriend here, and it's not appropriate. He might take the hint then, that you're clearly not interested in him. Just a thought!


That's a crap idea, IMO.


Another (maybe also crap, because it's indirect) idea, would be...


Tell him that this 'other chap' keeps coming around without an invite; you've tried hinting that he isn't welcome, but he's not picking up on your hints, and keeps coming around...


Then ask for his advice, on how to let this unwanted visitor know he's unwelcome, without being offensive.


See what he says, then most importantly, let all of us on SF know how it works out!

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I have the same sort of problem with a friend who doesn't believe in keeping himself out of trouble. When your trying to get away from this person but no matter what he won't take the hint, that i don't want him at my house whilst he still persists on being a law breaker. I feel he needs a stay at her royal hotel for the bad people! So sad but don' need the hassle from his vendettas he has with a certain neighbour"!

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On one or 2 occasions just very politely ask him to leave as you have some important business to attend to.


Doing it this way might not upset him and you'd still be on friendly terms.


Is it easy for you to go out with your kids if he comes round. Not sure how old they are.


What happens when you don't open the door? Does he then make a nuisance of himself?

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