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Edmund road drill hall


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No 3 div. went to Suez from Colchester,Essex,I sailed on an old tramp steamer from Barry docks in S. Wales,the stevedors stole most of the stuff off the ship before we sailed but we didn't know it until we unloaded what was left. Every single wireless battery was missing,every kitbag had been emptied onto the decks and the civvy stuff stolen.:mad:





Were you with 3 div at colchester?

My brother was a sergeant in 3 div there, he was demobbed in 1955 after five years. Most of the time the Div was in Egypt.

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I,m picking up this thread after 6 years or so, but I remember Edmund Road Drill Hall well, from my young days.

My dad had a dance band and played there every weekend 1940s' and into the 1950s';. If mum and dad couldnt get a sitter I would be taken there and played under the stage .


Anyone any recollections of Dances in this era?


Gary Marshman North Wales

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I remember, must have been in the late 1940s going to the drill hall with my school, and their were other local schools there as well to see the late and great Sir Stanley Matthews who showcased his skills and I remember he dribbled a ball past about 6 or 8 kids like a knife through butter, at a guess I would have been about 9 or ten years old.

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I was in the ACF there in the early fifties, I can remember firing on the shooting range they had in there.

We used .202 rifles that were set in .303 stocks to get the feel..

Edited by grinder
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I remember late 40s' early 50s', when you entered the Drill Hall, on the left was the Bar, and to the right in the back corner was a Sleigh , probably used in Winter to pull a horse with a Father Xmas.


Anyone remember the Sleigh?


Gary Marshman North Wales

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Seem to think somewhere down the line Forest Marshman was a relative. Think he may have lived Grindleford . Correct me if I'm wrong. I seem to recall my mum and dad George and Peggy Marshman meeting up with Forest Marshman maybe 50/60's . Didnt he have a motor accessory shop?

Also believe a Marshman was the headmaster of City Grammer School , maybe 1930/40's . May have the dates wrong but someone may correct that one also?


Gary Marshman North Wales

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Seem to think somewhere down the line Forest Marshman was a relative. Think he may have lived Grindleford . Correct me if I'm wrong. I seem to recall my mum and dad George and Peggy Marshman meeting up with Forest Marshman maybe 50/60's . Didnt he have a motor accessory shop?

Also believe a Marshman was the headmaster of City Grammer School , maybe 1930/40's . May have the dates wrong but someone may correct that one also?


Gary Marshman North Wales

Forest had a motor factors shop opposite the West End pub on Glossop Rd and I new him very well,in the 70s he ran around in a Ford Zephyr Crayford convertable and I believe he was a motor sport competitor in his younger days and he did live at Padley Grindleford.Ben his son did rallying and still lives in Sheffield up Lodgemoor way.
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Were you with 3 div at colchester?

My brother was a sergeant in 3 div there, he was demobbed in 1955 after five years. Most of the time the Div was in Egypt.


hi floridablade. I lived in Manton st and was in the cadets at Edmund rd

drill hall but i was also in the Canal zone from 51 to 55 . in 3 div

what was your brothers unit and name .


len palmer

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I vaguely recall that Zephyr convertible, since they were a rare item in the 70s' when I ran a TR6. I had last of the Mk2 Saloons 1965 to 1968, and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Cant say I came across Forest Marshman on the Motor Club circuit. I was a member of North Midland Motor Club in the 60s' , with meetings at the Old Hall, Hope. Being on the commitee , my forte was organising driving tests .

Although a poor member, I did compete in Sprints and Hill climbs in a supercharged Mini, but didnt come across Forest. Do you know which club he was in ?


Gary Marshman North Wales

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