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Feminism or Misandry?

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Arrr Sez I puts hand up to answer.


Is it because women's football would never attract any sponsorship money because nobody in their right mind would pay to watch women's football?


Similarly the Wimbledon men's finals tickets are about five times the price of the women's.

As ticket sales are what funds the prize money it leads many to say that levelling the men's and women's prizes is particularly hypocritical.

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I'm not surprised I missed your point if you're suggesting that men and women play together on the same side? Is this what you mean? Surely not or do you mean for the odd comic relief game?


There will be some women who can compete in mainstream professional football. Perhaps not as many as there will be men, but we'll never know as long as they are consigned (rather patronisingly) to their own separate leagues. Let the girls go to the same try-outs as the boys and may the best footballer get picked.


Are you afraid of equality in this sense? You appear so...

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You seem to be missing my point. People may not want to watch womens football, but if women were integrated into mainstream football teams without prejudice or advantage, this would cease to be an issue.


I'm sorry but how could women be intergrated into mens teams?

They wouldn't last two minutes against their skill, stamina or strength.:confused:

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Similarly the Wimbledon men's finals tickets are about five times the price of the women's.


As they should be, the women's final held the day before is just a warm up for the main event the day after. It's only really kept going to ensure that the net is in working order and hawkeye isn't malfunctioning. Nobody really cares about the women's final because it's all over so quickly with very little action. I mean, they do their best and all to make it entertaining but there's a reason all the celebrities want to be seen at the men's final and not the women's. It is what it is.

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There will be some women who can compete in mainstream professional football. Perhaps not as many as there will be men, but we'll never know as long as they are consigned (rather patronisingly) to their own separate leagues. Let the girls go to the same try-outs as the boys and may the best footballer get picked. Are you afraid of equality in this sense? You appear so...


Even if the tryouts manage to find one oversized woMAN who might be able to compete, no club is going to take her on because of when she gets pregnant and is out for 3 seasons whilst expecting full pay. :rant:

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You, unfortunately, are correct. I believe that we should be allowing women to "play" on a level field (i.e. desegregate football, and many other sports), so that those women who DO make it to the top deserve it. Then there wouldn't be this problem...


Well let's put that back into the Wimbledon scenario, open up the tournament for all (no separate mens or womens tournaments), then see how many women get ranked, and of course hear the uproar when they realise they can no longer earn so much of that big prize money !

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Let's be fair to the fairer sex, the team GB girls were fantastic in last years Olympics, the girls really have excelled in some of their events, but as a random athlete comparison I reckon we all know the fastest man on earth is Usain Bolt, now without googling can as many people name the fastest woman.

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We men are constantly having to pander to the ill thought out whims of women. What are they complaining about THIS WEEK. rolls eyes. What women don't seem to realise is that sport is modern day warfare. It's gladiators at arms. We want to see blood, sweat and tears, not make-up, hair extensions and oven gloves.

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