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Feminism or Misandry?

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Philosphical or not he does have a point, I know plenty of married and unmarried men who have devoted themselves to a lifetime of hard work for the benefit of their needy wives and of course their families !



In order to benefit their families they should devote their lives. Making a poor choice of needy wife has no bearing on his responsibility as a guardian.


I know a few women married or otherwise who have been at the cutting edge of violence, control and vindictiveness from men. You are making no argument that men are at a disadvantage, and the cards heavily stacked against in the favour of women historically. All you're doing is supporting a well known fact that both men and women are at a disadvantage in some cases..

It's a well known documented fact that historically, socially and culturally that women have been at a disadvantage in the past, and even now, unless you believe the feminist and suffragette movements were the result of women who regarded themselves as equal.:roll:

So no, he doesn't have a point as neither do you. You'd be well advised at the risk of looking stupid to distance yourself from the fool rather than aligning yourself.


---------- Post added 04-09-2013 at 00:25 ----------


I have vast experience with women


Course you do


All you have done there is prove that you personally are at a disadvantage as an individual man, not that man is generally.


I put it to the test. Any woman reading the above post please confirm that the character Ars sezI is attractive.


No new profiles please:hihi:

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All you have done there is prove that you personally are at a disadvantage as an individual man, not that man is generally.


I put it to the test. Any woman reading the above post please confirm that the character Ars sezI is attractive.


No new profiles please:hihi:


How can I possibly be at a disadvantage? A wife and kids are money draining sinks on an EPIC scale and I'll NEVER pay a penny out on such nonsense. Imagine that money saved and invested over time and the compound effect that has on my lifestyle. Instead of my entire life's hard work benefiting some random female and kids who would give me almost nothing back in return, it goes on me. I get to have the wonderful carefree life instead of funding someone else's. Now, as chance would have it, I'm a very handsome man, not that that makes any difference. You're still making the mistake that looks make a difference. Women couldn't care less about looks if the man can give her the life she desires. Women don't see men in the same way men see women. We care about external beauty, they care about security and lifestyle. That's why a 30 year old female just gave birth to 72 year Peter Stringfellow's latest child.

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Men and women have almost nothing in common except women want a man to enslave for life and man is too dumb to realise that's what's happened so goes along with it once it's too late.


You are just trolling, Arr Sez. that's the long and the short of it.


I'm not bothered about "enslaving" a bloke, let alone enslaving him for life! I want my man to be intelligent, not dumb.

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You are just trolling, Arr Sez. that's the long and the short of it.


I'm not bothered about "enslaving" a bloke, let alone enslaving him for life! I want my man to be intelligent, not dumb.


I'm not trolling at all. It's my opinion based simply on logic and reality.


When was the last time you heard two blokes saying something like,


"You should definitely date her, she's a real "catch".


It's not possible for a woman to be a "catch" for a man because a woman could never be an asset to a man, they can only ever be liabilities because they COST money. Something that COSTS money to keep is a liability. And the better looking they are, the more they cost. This is fact, not trolling. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it less true.

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I'm not trolling at all. It's my opinion based simply on logic and reality.


When was the last time you heard two blokes saying something like,


"You should definitely date her, she's a real "catch".


It's not possible for a woman to be a "catch" for a man because a woman could never be an asset to a man, they can only ever be liabilities because they COST money. Something that COSTS money to keep is a liability. And the better looking they are, the more they cost. This is fact, not trolling. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it less true.


a) you never get men talking like that


b) (my bold)that's old fashioned cobblers, did you time travel from the 40s or 50's, or something?


c) lots of women go out to work, and contribute financially to the household. (As well as doing most of the cooking and cleaning. My God, the last time I asked my ex to give me a hand by washing the pots whilst I did another task, he just swept them off the worktop in a temper) as one woman I know said. " "My hubby's money pays for the car and the mortgage, my 'pin money' feeds, and clothes us and pays for the electric and gas!"

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So you're a liability? I can believe that. Bit self defeating though, isn't it. How much does it cost you to keep you as a catch? Such conundrums must keep you all twitchy.


You're just being stupid now Ron. How can I possibly be a liability to myself when I earn for myself through investment far far more than I cost. Being able to leverage my earnings which most average married men will never be in a position to do obviously makes me a spectacular asset. This ones a keeper.


---------- Post added 04-09-2013 at 01:28 ----------


a) you never get men talking like that


b) (my bold)that's old fashioned cobblers, did you time travel from the 40s or 50's, or something?


c) lots of women go out to work, and contribute financially to the household. (As well as doing most of the cooking and cleaning. My God, the last time I asked my ex to give me a hand by washing the pots whilst I did another task, he just swept them off the worktop in a temper) as one woman I know said. " "My hubby's money pays for the car and the mortgage, my 'pin money' feeds, and clothes us and pays for the electric and gas!"


Women DO talk like this every single day, in hair salons, nail bars, coffee shops, gyms and all the other places of leisure they frequent. They have lots of different words for "catch" but it all means the same thing. That they can live a wonderful carefree life of leisure due to the income of a wealthy man. She married well. Well done her.


Lots of women do go out to work and contribute to the household, but not longterm and certainly not by choice and hopefully not forever. As for cooking and cleaning, women LOVE that stuff, how do I know? Because "Home & Garden" and "Good Housekeeping" magazine are two of the most purchased magazines on the PLANET. Have you ever looked at the top 50 most purchased female magazines on the planet, it's freaking hilarious. What women want, what they care about, it's all right there and it's too funny. :hihi:


What do you think the phrase "you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find a prince" means? Women are not talking about looks when they say this. They are searching for man to pay for their lifestyle and only a REAL man can do this. But sadly, not every woman will be able to find her prince because all the real princes want hot young women which is why rich men divorce their wives at great cost to upgrade to a newer model.


This is all such basic stuff, how can you guys not know this.

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You're just being stupid now Ron. How can I possibly be a liability to myself when I earn for myself through investment far far more than I cost. Being able to leverage my earnings which most average married men will never be in a position to do obviously makes me a spectacular asset. This ones a keeper.


A spectacular asset for what?

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