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Syria megathread- is British government desperate for another war?

Military action in Syria ?  

145 members have voted

  1. 1. Military action in Syria ?

    • None at all.
    • Limited air/cruise missile strikes.
    • As much, including ground troops, as is needed.

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From the news, public sentiment is overwhelmingly against another mid east war. People are fed up with the middle east and all the money that's been drained off to fight those wars and the damage it's done to the domestic scene by the numerous deployments of soldiers to these wars and the long separations that go with it.


They want the money to stay here where it's needed and Obama to concentrate instead on domestic affairs.


ObamaCare will be kicking in very soon and many want that put on the forefront as it's still a program that has raised a lot of questions about the cost involved and how it would affect Medicare


I dont know if Obama feels he's somehow the conscience of the world and is obliged to get involved in Syria's miseries. He's certainly hearing all the cries of anguish echoing around the world over the use of chemical weapons but precious little or nothing of any real useful or meaningful support included with it


On the ball again.I hope our politicians use this vote to look inwards and try to sort this mess out that this country is in.I wish our politicians would would adopt the phrase "I will do what is best for my country.

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The "rebels" have been busy with the beheadings through the conflict, they are committing war crimes as much as Assad.


As has happened elsewhere in the region, the real struggle for freedoms by normal people is hijacked by Islamists to push a hardline Sharia / Islamist driven agenda. I feel sorry for the normal folk caught in the middle, they will be worse off no matter the outcome.

Edited by SevenRivers
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James Corbett gives a good explanation/insight into what's going on in Syria




Divide and Conquer!


Indeed..its very true about the pipeline from IRAN over Iraq and Syria to Europe. This would be big threat to US Petrodollar. The US needs everyone to sell oil in dollars and also Arms in dollars . This is Petrodollar recycling. US would be bankrupt without it. Empires need oil to run it. Britain empire was run on free Iranian oil until they got found out :)


Qatar is sponsoring the rebels at 5billion dollars. Al Qaeda (Taliban HQ in Doha) is also sponsoring the world cup 2022. delegates were paid 1.5million dollars to buy votes.


*This Prince Bandar Bush is trending all over the place....


The only planes allowed to fly after 9/11 were the ones picking up Prince Bandar and his associates and when the 9/11 Commission report was published, ALL references to him and his family were blacked out because 9/11 was a ‘backdoor’ CIA/Mossad operation designed to force the US into a war against Saudi royal enemies such as Saddam of Iraq and Iran’s revolutionaries:






Edited by Mozilla
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Obama brought new hope when he was elected. It seems he's going to be like all the other American Presidents. Warmonger, only interested in his ratings. Although, I'm glad it is going to a vote in the USA, because they will, undoubtedly, vote no.


There is a bit of a phenonium happening at the moment, world wide, where the people aren't being led into another disaster like sheep.


If anyone wants to fight on the side of the rebels, there are various transport opportunities at your disposal to get there. Please don't involve us though.

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I didn't know they did, but perhaps you see it that way considering all of your comments on these boards, which underline what type of person your are.


If you didn't know that then you can't be worldly wise. The Sun and Mail and their followers see it as leftie anti war telly. I don't believe this and see it as very objective and inevitably liberal since it is staffed by educated people.


Hardcore lefties see it as corporate brainwashing but they'd say that of a tree.

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British RAF pilots will be operating on a limited scale over Syria. They've been ordered to fly low and wag ther fingers in reproval




How is the trout today Mrs Laidlaw?

Fresh off the 'ook Mr. Morley

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British RAF pilots will be operating on a limited scale over Syria. They've been ordered to fly low and wag ther fingers in reproval






How is the trout today Mrs Laidlaw?

Fresh off the 'ook Mr. Morley


Don't give up the day job.

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