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Syria megathread- is British government desperate for another war?

Military action in Syria ?  

145 members have voted

  1. 1. Military action in Syria ?

    • None at all.
    • Limited air/cruise missile strikes.
    • As much, including ground troops, as is needed.

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It's not very clear who was responsible for what almost from the start, yes they got rather heavy but were pretty much fighting fire with fire.

Not much heavier if any than the police in the US during the occupy demo's

Our police ain't exactly saintly are they when it comes to breaking up peaceful demonstrations.


How would you like it if someone tried to justifying bombing your town because if that?


Well done vResistance, I'm with you... How good to read sense from someone with their eyes open.

Too much of what I read on here is simply parroted British Bull**** Corporation brainwashing, which saddens me .

What people need to realise is that NONE of our media tells us the truth. They simply spew what their Masters the NWO cabal tell them to.

Take a look at last night's RT ''Cross Talk'', in fact make RT and Aljazeera news source of choice, then perhaps people will get a proper balance of what is happening out in the Middle East and the rest of the world, because they connect the dots for you. They do not run the same piece of film for each and every conflict, regardless of which country it is in - something many will not have noticed. And they talk to real people, instead of having a corporate stooge 'Journalist' with a script.... The same brainwashing bull**** every time. Just to make sure it gets into our thick skulls?

@?x*/ ''You will believe >*@?/ You will believe'' zzzzzz.


Now wake up people....and watch this link:




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Well done vResistance, I'm with you... How good to read sense from someone with their eyes open.

Too much of what I read on here is simply parroted British Bull**** Corporation brainwashing, which saddens me .

What people need to realise is that NONE of our media tells us the truth. They simply spew what their Masters the NWO cabal tell them to.

Take a look at last night's RT ''Cross Talk'', in fact make RT and Aljazeera news source of choice, then perhaps people will get a proper balance of what is happening out in the Middle East and the rest of the world, because they connect the dots for you. They do not run the same piece of film for each and every conflict, regardless of which country it is in - something many will not have noticed. And they talk to real people, instead of having a corporate stooge 'Journalist' with a script.... The same brainwashing bull**** every time. Just to make sure it gets into our thick skulls?

@?x*/ ''You will believe >*@?/ You will believe'' zzzzzz.


Now wake up people....and watch this link:





Good morning catpus, and how is bejiing this morning?

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Good morning catpus, and how is bejiing this morning?


Good Morning Tinny,

I guess it was all too much for you to take in. Never mind, back to sleep now, it will all be over in a year or two?? Then all the nasty Muslims will be gone, and the earth will be a desert full of oil rigs and slaves.

To show that your education wasn't wasted, can I recommend that you read John Pilger - New Rulers of the World and Hidden Agenda; and Carole Quigley's - Tragedy and Hope and anything by Webster Tarpley.

Then perhaps you will be able to understand what is happening: instead of having to resort to childish comments. If you order them today from Amazon you will receive them tomorrow, and then you can come back next week and have a proper discussion once armed with irrefutable evidence and information?

Edited by catpus
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Good Morning Tinny,

I guess it was all too much for you to take in. Never mind, back to sleep now, it will all be over in a year or two?? Then all the nasty Muslims will be gone, and the earth will be a desert full of oil rigs and slaves.


....and all in a nice neat row for a land grab by your government. I don't care how good your English is, you aren't fooling anyone.

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But it's from yahoo....


Oh Dear... silly me. Is it a fabrication then, because Yahoo published it?

You really don't engage very well do you?


I know I printed this earlier, but I guess you couldn't be bothered to read it.. so here it is again?

This explains clearly who supplied the gas and why......................................


According to records kept by the Bahrain Centre for Human Rights, over the past two years at least half of the total deaths caused by the Bahraini regime security forces have resulted from tear gas suffocation. The very young, elderly and infirmed are most at risk.

There is little doubt that the excessive use of toxic chemicals is a deliberate policy of repression. The repression is aimed at “collectively punishing” the civilian, mainly Shia, population who have steadfastly supported the pro-democracy movement against the unelected Sunni royal rulers. Typically, the riot police do not limit their deployment of tear gas to disperse protesting youths on the streets. Regime forces routinely fire inordinate numbers of canisters into surrounding streets, with the effect of saturating whole villages and districts of the capital, Manama, with toxic fumes. The following day, entire skip-loads are filled up with the empty gas canisters swept off the streets by residents.

In 2011 the British foreign secretary William Hague announced that HIS government would be sending protective gas masks and equipment...not to Bahraini civilians, but to SYRIA. (Is he the PM now then? And how did he know they would be needed?) Moreover, the British equipment to protect against toxic chemicals is not being sent to Syrian civilians, but to the FOREIGN MERCENARIES fighting a covert war on behalf of Britain, the US and France and their Persian Gulf Arab allies to overthrow the government of Bashar al-Assad. CONSISTENT REPORTS SHOW THAT IT IS WESTERN BACKED MERCENARIES IN SYRIA WHO HAVE BEEN USING CHEMICAL WEAPONS AGAINST CIVILIANS TO LEVERAGE THEIR OBJECTIVE OF TERRORISING THE POPULATION INTO RELINQUISHING SUPPORT FOR THE DAMASCUS GOVERNMENT... Think about it for just one moment... What would Assad gain from gassing his OWN people? He would never be voted for again?


An official Russian report last week concluded that the Western-backed militants are using unguided rockets crudely fitted with chemical warheads, including the deadly nerve agent Sarin. These weapons are banned under international law. Therefore, their use is a WAR CRIME.. And the people who have supplied them are :

Perversely, the British government is intending to send gas masks to al-Qaeda-linked terrorist groups - whom the British now claim to be pro-democracy rebels - even though the evidence is growing that it is these groups who are guilty of wielding chemical weapons. If that responsibility is proven, then that makes the British government and its other Western allies indictable for complicity in war crimes in Syria. That would add to similar indictable crimes that the British government is already complicit in, in Bahrain.


Fittingly, there is a logical pattern here. In Syria, the British government is supporting militants using chemical weapons to sabotage democracy, while in Bahrain the British government is supporting a regime that is also using chemical weapons to sabotage democracy, OR AT LEAST EFFORTS TO ESTABLISH THEIR VERSION OF DEMOCRACY.


The description of “tear gas” may sound legitimate, but in the case of pandemic use against civilians in Bahrain it is far from legitimate. Tear gas or CS gas is officially meant for sparing use to fend off rioting crowds. These gases are highly toxic when used at saturation levels and especially in enclosed places, such as homes. In practice, therefore, the way in which these toxic materials are used in Bahrain in civilian residences constitutes a chemical weapon of mass destruction. Such use is a violation of international laws banning the use of chemical weapons, which makes it a crime against humanity.


As in Syria, the British government stands accused of crimes against humanity from the use of chemical weapons in Bahrain. Official data provided by the London-based Campaign Against the Arms Trade shows that the British government approves hundreds of export licenses for the supply of weapons to the Bahraini regime. Britain continues to approve of this trade with Bahrain; even though it earlier said that it would suspend the supply of weapons when reports of repression emerged

during 2011. THEY DID NOT!

Among the hundreds of items of weaponry sold to Bahrain from Britain are the following: CS gas, riot-control irritants, smoke generators, smoke canisters, smoke ammunition, stun grenades, “toxins”, and smoke grenades.


This trade with Bahrain is in spite of the stated British policy that it “does not supply weapons to countries where such arms could be used for internal repression”.


‘‘ British parliamentary committee on arms control this week reported that Britain supplies weapons to 27 countries which its own foreign office has listed for concern over human rights. The top two recipients of British weapons in the list of 27 - comprising more than 90% of a $19 billion annual trade - are ISREAL AND SAUDI ARABLIA.’’

These two regimes are indictable for war crimes and crimes against humanity and yet they are both armed to the teeth by Britain.


In the case of Saudi Arabia, Britain supplies among other tools of repression: armoured cars, crowd-control ammunition, tear gas, smoke grenades and stun grenades. For more than two years, since March 2011, British-equipped Saudi forces have been present in Bahrain to shore up the Khalifa regime. Saudi military dressed as Bahraini riot police accompany Bahraini officers during their deadly raids on Shia villages where families are on a daily basis poisoned in their own homes. The probable fact is that the people are being killed by forces wielding toxic gas made in and sold by Britain.

Their deaths along with dozens of innocent Bahrainis in a very real way originates from toxic political decisions made in London.


The criminal use of chemical weapons of mass destruction by irregular militants in Syria and by regular security forces in Bahrain has a common denominator: both are supported by the British government to kill democratic freedom.



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<...> in fact make RT and Aljazeera news source of choice <...>
LOL, they're just as biased one way/the other as the BBC and all the others :rolleyes:


Syria (and most of the Arab Spring shenanigans that have gone on elsewhere before) is a just a complete mess of false-flag ops, of self-serving disinformation by all sides, etc.


If you want "unbiased", just take a regular peek at the Syria channel on Liveleak, ignore all the titles and comments, stick to the phonecam/camcorder footage, and make up your own mind. Oh, and avoid the 'mature'-rated vids if you are of a sensitive nature, most of them are extremely graphic.


They're all as bad as each other, without exception. As with every conflict since whenever, only the civilians truly suffer, as caught between and equally 'used' by both sides.

Where did the militants get their WMD from then?
Syrian Gvt caches taken over by the FSA, at a guess? It has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the FSA has (gas type-) WMDs.


All conspiracies put aside and notwithstanding the usual snidey/snipey remarks about Gvt 'smarts', given the markedly "extremist muslim" composition of the FSA backed (after a fashion) by the West, I very much doubt western Gvts would be so dumb as to give the FSA WMDs along with conventional ordnance and armaments.

Edited by L00b
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