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Syria megathread- is British government desperate for another war?

Military action in Syria ?  

145 members have voted

  1. 1. Military action in Syria ?

    • None at all.
    • Limited air/cruise missile strikes.
    • As much, including ground troops, as is needed.

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2 questions


How many people have ALREADY died?


How many people do you think will have died by the time the UK and Americans have control of the oil? Its not in doubt that its going to happen...........


100,000 was a recent pre-chemical attack figure. Maybe they don't count.


---------- Post added 29-08-2013 at 18:37 ----------


Isn't AJ owned by one rich capitalist family? Do I trust Paxman and Humphrys? Yes. To me the BBC is unique in having a charter to ensure impartiality. Now before you decide that's hopelessly naive consider that the BBC has upset every government going back decades. Do other channels upset all governments? Offend the right and left? Get accused of being right and left? Does Fox upset the Republicans or Sky the Tories? I, and I believe most of the nation would need a lot more convincing before it was deemed untrustworthy. Finally, the biggest mob of BBC haters caricature it as a Guardian love in while you seem to state the exact opposite. This again just proves how good the BBC is.


---------- Post added 29-08-2013 at 17:12 ----------



There's no conspiracy in parking their ships near the site of a civil war that may escalate. Where you see tricks I see realpolitik.


You missed my veiled sarcasm (not aimed at you btw). Of course there are ships there. There are ALWAYS ships in the eastern med - my query is really the very very quick rise in numbers. Warships don't move that fast. I don't doubt more are on the way though.

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i think his royal tonyness as "middle east peace envoy" should be sent in to sort it out after all thats what hes been appointed to for????? maybe he isnt up to the job???? quite honestly why the uk should be come the worlds policeman i dont know, leave them to sort their own troubles out, they clearly have a serious axe to grind against each other and the Jihaddists must be rubbing their hands waiting for the west arm them!!!

we dont trade much with syria in fact we dont do much trade now in all the troubled areas so leave the mad men to fight it out.

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100,000 was a recent pre-chemical attack figure. Maybe they don't count.


---------- Post added 29-08-2013 at 18:37 ----------



You missed my veiled sarcasm (not aimed at you btw). Of course there are ships there. There are ALWAYS ships in the eastern med - my query is really the very very quick rise in numbers. Warships don't move that fast. I don't doubt more are on the way though.


Yep, they're building up rapidly like its been planned a long time. You're not shocked by it. I guess I'm actually happy they're there in large numbers fast as despite the crap of realpolitik I believe in 'our side'.

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How many people in Iraq died thanks to the weapons that made Blair a multi millionaire? How many deaths does it take for us to realise we are crap at JUDGEMENTS, or in Cameron and Blair’s case they call beliefs? They believe such and such to be true, was it, is it? Where does the intelligence come from “YOUTUBE”!! Can you believe the donkeys we have leading us???


So terrible regimes are they, Assad and Gaddafi, and Saddam? Well however many they killed pales into insignificance when compared to the carnage we wrecked, and we continue to wreck thanks to depleted uranium. We left Iraq as HEROS?????


Something to be proud about???


As for TYRANTS, heard the one about Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain? Just because they have oil, the US fleet docks there, makes them good guys? Saudi Arabia makes Gaddafi seem a saint by comparison, never mind they alone are the exporters of terrorism, they have created a form of Islam that creates, sustains and perpetuates terrorism, but that’s Ok because they buy lots of weapons from Cameron and Co.


It’s a distraction, as the country continues to print money, all based on nothing, no wealth creation, manufacturing, just a BELIEF that one can print the stuff forever and everything will not turn tits-up! We really are a country addicted to tabloids, who shape so many people’s opinion….Where is Syria, as if they know,


Enjoy film of the good rebel, so click away, we back them , finance them, send in “ADVISORS” as in SAS, and they are much better than the present leader, we are told


: http://w¬ww.polic¬ymic.com¬/article¬s/42503/¬syrian-e¬xecution¬-youtube¬-video-g¬raphic-f¬ootage-s¬hows-reb¬el-atroc¬ities







THe most disturbing of all..or maybe its just more lies! ..http:/¬/www.glo¬balresea¬rch.ca/e¬vidence-¬syria-ga¬s-attack¬-work-of¬-u-s-all¬ies/5347¬190

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British MPs have voted against possible military action against Syria to deter the use of chemical weapons.


David Cameron said it was clear the British Parliament does not want action and "I will act accordingly".


The government motion was defeated 285 to 272, a majority of 13 votes.

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British MPs have voted against possible military action against Syria to deter the use of chemical weapons.


David Cameron said it was clear the British Parliament does not want action and "I will act accordingly".


The government motion was defeated 285 to 272, a majority of 13 votes.


The House has spoken, up yours Cameron !!!

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So we should bomb and kill Muslims to preserve muslim lives? Can someone explain what an attack is supposed to achieve?


No I don't think we should do anything, we are not World Police. I can live with the do nothing option, as long as our Muslim citizens who don't want any military action can also live with it, and won't start whining in 12 months how the UK allowed thousands of their fellow Muslims to be butchered by Assad.

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British MPs have voted against possible military action against Syria to deter the use of chemical weapons.


David Cameron said it was clear the British Parliament does not want action and "I will act accordingly".


The government motion was defeated 285 to 272, a majority of 13 votes.


Common sense prevails for once, only just mind, I think any military action would have been followed by a whole lot more military action, and has already been proven, these wars are not won any more !

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