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Syria megathread- is British government desperate for another war?

Military action in Syria ?  

145 members have voted

  1. 1. Military action in Syria ?

    • None at all.
    • Limited air/cruise missile strikes.
    • As much, including ground troops, as is needed.

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The world didn't move a muscle when Israel used white phosphorous in operation cast lead in Gaza as posted by Sevenrivers so why all the fuss now?


Israel were allowed to use it, because International law allows RESTRICTED use of it.




'Israel has insisted that its use of white phosphorus in the conflict was permitted under international law and that it sought to avoid unnecessary civilian deaths in Gaza.'


---------- Post added 30-08-2013 at 17:25 ----------



This seems similar to use of the A bomb in Japan to end WW II. To stop other unnecessary deaths and bring an end to the war.

Edited by poppet2
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The US are the biggest users of chemical weapons in history yet they claim to be the worlds moral police.


Was`nt that handy having a BBC team nearby for an incendiary attack. Almost as though they were waiting for it.


At least the US are considering becoming al-Qaeda’s air force now. Ironic.

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The BBC has become a disgrace for news. I rate it on a par with Fox news now. It`s just a propaganda machine as can be seen by any story it allows comments on.

The other days top rated comment was..

"are you going to keep allowing comments on the syria propaganda until the government gets an answer it likes?"


Then why do the majority of its critics see it as Guardian TV? They must be doing something right to offend both sides.

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How much longer is the world going to stand by and allow those attacks on innocent children go on..

Do we continue burying our heads in the sand pretending it isn't happening.


Well Janie,

Everyone stood by and let it happen in Iraq? 1.5 million Innocent Lives lost that Madeline Albright said were worth it???? and these are the people that Cameron puts his trust in? And the powers that be will continue to create disruption and mayhem until they get the outcome they desire... The Puppet Government who will do the Zionist Cabal's bidding..


---------- Post added 30-08-2013 at 18:05 ----------


I have to say that all the posters on here, even you tinny, have given me hope for the future, in particular Erebus. It would appear that we have all swallowed the red pill, and things can only get better.

Thank you.... continue to keep your eyes, ears, mind and heart open.


---------- Post added 30-08-2013 at 19:04 ----------


In the same way as would happen if there is military intervention.

Does anyone know what percentage of the population support the Assad government ?


On 27 May 2007, Bashar was approved as president for another seven-year term, with the official result of 97.6% of the votes in a referendum.

In his foreign policy, Al-Assad is an outspoken critic of the United States, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey. (I wonder why these people don't like him?) The Ba'ath Party remains in control of the parliament, and is constitutionally the "leading party" of the state. Until he became president, Bashar al-Assad was not greatly involved in politics; his only public role was head of the Syrian Computer Society, which introduced the Internet to Syria in 2001. He was expected to take a more liberal approach than his father. In an interview he stated that he saw democracy in Syria as 'a tool to a better life' but then argued that it would take time for democracy to come about and that it could not be rushed.


Politically and economically, Syrian life has changed only slightly since 2000. Immediately after he took office a reform movement made cautious advances during the Damascus Spring, which led al-Assad to shut down Mezzeh prison and release hundreds of political prisoners. However, security crackdowns commenced again within the year, because of outside threats and agitation.


The world's attention was drawn to Syria in March of 2003 when Assad took an outspoken stance against the impending United States–led invasion of Iraq. Though Syria and Iraq did not have a friendly relationship, Assad publicly stated that he hoped the mission would fail. In April of 2003, as Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's regime crumbled and Hussein himself went into hiding, it seemed like Assad's prediction of failure was incorrect. Attention was again drawn to Syria, as John Kampfner, writing in the New Statesman, observed, "George W. Bush is opening a third front. The war on terror, which took American might to Afghanistan and then Iraq, is now begin redirected against a new enemy, one conjured almost overnight—Syria."



Read more: http://www.notablebiographies.com/newsmakers2/2004-Q-Z/al-Assad-Bashar.html#ixzz2dTaLvHUo


---------- Post added 30-08-2013 at 19:34 ----------


By they I meant the media reporting - it was in response to Mecky's post saying that we'll be seeing more atrocities now to drum up support for military intervention.


I agree...................................

I have been researching the background of the 'gas' and found this: I apologise in advance for the length.


Turkey finds Sarin gas in homes of suspected Syrian Islamists – reports

Published May 30, 2013


Turkish security forces found a 2kg cylinder with Sarin gas after searching the homes of Syrian militants from the Al-Qaeda linked Al-Nusra Front who were previously detained, Turkish media reports. The gas was reportedly going to be used in a bomb.

The Sarin gas was found in the homes of suspected Syrian Islamists detained in the southern provinces of Adana and Mersia following a search by Turkish police on Wednesday, reports say. The gas was allegedly going to be used to carry out an attack in the southern Turkish city of Adana.

On Monday, Turkish special anti-terror forces arrested 12 suspected members of the Al-Nusra Front, the Al-Qaeda affiliated group which has been dubbed "the most aggressive and successful arm” of the Syrian rebels. The group was designated a terrorist organization by the United States in December.

Police also found a cache of weapons, documents and digital data which will be reviewed by police.

Following the searches, five of those detained were released following medical examinations at the Forensic Medicine Institution Adana. Seven suspects remain in custody. Turkish authorities are yet to comment on the arrests.


Russia reacted strongly to the incident, calling for a thorough investigation into the detention of Syrian militants

"We are extremely concerned with media reports. Russia believes that the use of any chemical weapons is absolutely inadmissible,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said on Thursday.


Syria’s Information Minister Omran Zoabi charged the Turkish government had facilitated the flow of arms, explosives, funds and fighters across the country’s border into Syria, claiming that that Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his party bear direct responsibility [for the attack]."



Reports of chemical weapons use by both Damascus and the Syrian opposition have surrounded the conflict in Syria for months.

In an image made available by the Syrian News Agency (SANA) on March 19, 2013, a man is brought to a hospital in the Khan al-Assal region in the northern Aleppo province, as Syria's government accused rebel forces of using chemical weapons for the first time.

IN MARCH, THE SYRIAN GOVERNMENT INVITED THE UNITED NATIONS TO INVESTIGATE POSSIBLE CHEMICAL WEAPONS USED IN THE KHAN AL-ASSAL AREA OF ALEPPO..... Military experts and officials said a chemical agent, most likely Sarin, was used in the attack which killed 26 people, including Government forces.


Damascus claimed Al-Qaeda linked fighters were behind the attack, further alleging Turkey had a hand in the incident.


“The rocket came from a placed controlled by the terrorist and which is located close to the Turkish territory. One can assume that the weapon came from Turkey,” Zoabi said in an interview with Interfax news agency.


US President Barack Obama has warned any confirmed use of chemical weapons by Damascus would cross a "red line" which would prompt further action. Both Washington and London claimed there was growing evidence that such chemical agents had been used.


Less clear perhaps is whether a similar red line would apply to Syrian opposition groups such as Al-Nusra by the US and NATO allies. Author and historian Gerald Horne, for one, told RT that there are greater political dynamics at work.


Well, one would think so, but of course we know that the United States along with its NATO partners Britain and France are quite close to the main backers of the rebels -- I’m speaking of Saudi Arabia and Qatar. We know, for example, according to the Financial Times that Mr Sarkozy, the former president of France, is in very close financial relationship with the Qataris,” says Horne.


That would be under the existing paragraph in the story: US President Barack Obama has warned any confirmed use of chemical weapons by Damascus would cross a "red line" which would prompt further action. Both Washington and London claimed there was growing evidence that such chemical agents had been used. But are ignoring the fact that it was Assad who asked the inspectors in in the first place???


This case being similar to an earlier one, with the findings of UN chemical weapons expert Carla Del Ponte - who had found evidence of their use by the rebels – some think the fallout will be what it was then as well.


Journalist and RT contributor, Afshin Rattansi believes that the same fate will befall this story, as far as media coverage goes. All possible doubts will either be hushed or directed elsewhere, as they were toward Del Ponte’s findings.


“Carla Del Ponte – one of the greatest experts on this from the United Nations – did do an in-depth investigation only a few weeks ago, and of course, the mainstream media tried their best to ignore it and to character-assassinate Del Ponte… she did masses of work on this, and [found] It was the rebels and not the government.”


Rattansi goes on to say that “the news management of the Syria story has been incredibly sophisticated, and I don’t think it will be on the front pages of any newspapers in Britain or the United States – it will quietly disappear like Del Ponte’s case. The big story, of course, will be Russia and the delivery of the S-300.”


A day before the Reyhanlı bombing, Erdogan released a statement claiming he had evidence the Syrian government had used chemical weapons, crossing the red line set by President Obama... contradicting a statement made at the time by a leading UN investigato Carla Del Ponte, who heads The Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria..... said there were “concrete suspicions, but not yet incontrovertible proof of the use of Sarin gas in Syria.''

"This was used on the behalf of the opposition, the rebels, not by the government authorities," Del Ponte continued.



Exposure to large quantities of Sarin gas, whose production and stockpiling was outlawed by the Chemical Weapons Convention of 1993, causes convulsions, paralysis, loss of respiratory functions and potentially death..... But hey ho... they are only disposable collateral damage?

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The BBC was obviously told to show it over and over in the event of a NO vote, because it appeared on ever BBC news outlet straight afterwards.


They also showed the footage before the result of the vote was announced.



But strangely - not on the Aljazeera or RT which comes from London?


RT comes entirely from Moscow. Al Jazeera have their main studios in Doha, with a contribution studio in London. Neither channel has any editorial control in London. RT's editorial control is held by Mr Putin's underlings, and with Russia's stance on the Syria situation being well known, it's clear why they would not broadcast such footage of an event which puts the side they are supporting is such a bad light.


It's impossible to get a clear view of the situation in Syria by limiting yourself to one channel / network. While RT are showing things the BBC are skipping, they are also skipping things the BBC are showing.


And contrary to what some people are saying, neither station are broadcasting propaganda.

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It's human nature it seems for people to simply back TV channels that agree with them as the truth and dismiss all others as propaganda.


I see the BBC as the only one telling the truth since it offends all. What other channel offends all?

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The world didn't move a muscle when Israel used white phosphorous in operation cast lead in Gaza as posted by Sevenrivers so why all the fuss now?

Think outside the box instead of following the other sheep I would say.


Isreal has enough nukes to sink the whole of the UK, so they can do whatever they want & we can't really do much. We can't even take on the Taliban with their home-made improvised bombs, never mind one of the best equipped & largest militaries in the world.


Syria is at least possible. It probably wouldn't be too hard to take out most of their airforce, missiles, & heavy artillery, maybe we can take out some nerve gas stocks/factories too, hopefully the rebels can do the rest.

Edited by anywebsite
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Isreal has enough nukes to sink the whole of the UK, so they can do whatever they want & we can't really do much. We can't even take on the Taliban with their home-made improvised bombs, never mind one of the best equipped & largest militaries in the world.


Syria is at least possible. It probably wouldn't be too hard to take out most of their airforce, missiles, & heavy artillery, maybe we can take out some nerve gas stocks/factories too, hopefully the rebels can do the rest.


You mean al qieda can do the rest, and maybe hang on to some of those chemicals, just for safe keeping? It's not just Syrian fighting Syrian theres hezbolah wading in and so many factions on the rebel side, we don't know who is doing what and when side A wins what will they do? It's a right mess, and one I'm glad we're out of.

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Prince Bandar is al-Qaeda and the UK gave him a 1billion bung in BAE arms deal



Don't Show Obama This Report About Who Really Is Behind The Syrian Chemical Attacks


As we showed mere days ago, it appears the truth of who the real puppet-master in the Middle-East is becoming plainer to see. The incredibly frank discussion between Saudi's spy-chief Prince Bandar and Russia's Putin exposed a much deeper plot is afoot and the following details from the actual people on the ground in the chemically-attacked region of Syria suggest Obama is playing right into the Saudi's plan. While Obama is 'certain' that the chemical attacks took place on al-Assad's orders, as MPN reports, "from numerous interviews with doctors, Ghouta residents, rebel fighters and their families, a different picture emerges. Many believe that certain rebels received chemical weapons via the Saudi intelligence chief, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, and were responsible for carrying out the dealing gas attack."


The narrative for public consumption is well-known and quite clear - it was all as-Assad's fault. And yet...



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Glad we are not in, no good will come from an intervention. The opposition are a rabble of religious fanatics and we know which religion. Each to their own but when push comes to shove they all side together against the west. No one likes to see human suffering but we cant intervene everywhere.

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