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Syria megathread- is British government desperate for another war?

Military action in Syria ?  

145 members have voted

  1. 1. Military action in Syria ?

    • None at all.
    • Limited air/cruise missile strikes.
    • As much, including ground troops, as is needed.

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Kerry: Arab countries offered to pay for invasion.




Secretary of State John Kerry said at Wednesday’s hearing that Arab counties have offered to pay for the entirety of unseating President Bashar al-Assad if the United States took the lead militarily.


“With respect to Arab countries offering to bear costs and to assess, the answer is profoundly yes,” Kerry said. “They have. That offer is on the table.”


Asked by Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.) about how much those countries would contribute, Kerry said they have offered to pay for all of a full invasion.


“In fact, some of them have said that if the United States is prepared to go do the whole thing the way we’ve done it previously in other places, they’ll carry that cost,” Kerry said. “That’s how dedicated they are at this. That’s not in the cards, and nobody’s talking about it, but they’re talking in serious ways about getting this done.


Much better Americans die in a war rather than a precious Saudi.


The widespread talk that Saudi Arabia want to unseat Assad and are doing/prepared to do anything it takes.

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Harleyman, do you really believe that western news is not brain washing too. All you are doing is identifying with the news you watch because it's delivered in a context that is compatible with your prejudices and cultural identity. You're just the same as the people in the middle east, only the context is different. You're behaving how you are told to.


Yes I believe mostly what I see and read on our news unless you want to believe that BBC America, CNN World News. MSNBC, ABC, CBS. PBS and a host of other news sources are all owned by Sinister Mister Manipulatov sitting in his penthouse suite on the 120th floor of Manipulatov Towers in Gotham City.


With our western press we have the capability to see varying viewpoints on world events from left. middle and right political sources, discussions among knowledgeable people who quite clearly dont have a wind up key stuck in the middle of their backs.


There is criticism and counter criticism put forth some of it at times quite harsh. BS stories dont last long before they're found out to be just that.


It's this unique mosaic of a wide source of information that differentiate between that and a few agenda motivated individuals who have surfaced on the electronic highway who dream up any propaganda and conspiracy theories that suits their purpose in spreading lies and distortion in the hope of causing mischief to their tagets of hatred.


It's not some new kind of rocket science however. Hitler through his brilliant propaganda minister Josef Goebbels convinced a whole nation of otherwise intelligent and long cultured people that the Jews were the real enemy of the world and behind every war and trouble down through history.


The succesors of Goebbels these days have a much easier job when it comes to the intelligence level of their audiences

Edited by Harleyman
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Yes I believe mostly what I see and read on our news unless you want to believe that BBC America, CNN World News. MSNBC, ABC, CBS. PBS and a host of other news sources are all owned by Mister Manipulatov sitting in his penthouse suite on the 120th floor of Manipulatov Towers in Gotham City.


With our western press we have the capability to see varying viewpoints on world events from left. middle and right political sources, discussions among knowledgeable people who quite clearly dont have a wind up key stuck in the middle of their backs.


There is criticism and counter criticism put forth some of it at times quite harsh. BS stories dont last long before they're found out to be just that.


It's this unique mosaic of a wide source of information that differentiate between that and a few agenda motivared individuals who have surfaced on the electronic highway who dream up any propaganda and conspiracy theories that suits their purpose in spreading lies and distortion in the hope of causing mischief to their tagets of hatred.


It's not some new kind of rocket science however. Hitler through his brilliant propaganda minister Josef Goebbels convinced a whole nation of otherwise intelligent and long cultured people that the Jews were the real enemy of the world and behind every war and trouble down through history.


The succesors of Goebbels these days have a much easier job when it comes to the intelligence level of their audiences


So what does the Pentagon spend its billions on per year?


You point out its impossible for 1 man (I would personally think it would be more the work of an organization,but he,ho) to manipulate half dozen or more channels.

Yet you seem to think the internet is easy to manipulate?

I also find it hard to believe that the "Arab spring" wasn't orchestrated by anyone (don't the CIA specialize in this type of thing?)

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So what does the Pentagon spend its billions on per year?


You point out its impossible for 1 man (I would personally think it would be more the work of an organization,but he,ho) to manipulate half dozen or more channels.

Yet you seem to think the internet is easy to manipulate?

I also find it hard to believe that the "Arab spring" wasn't orchestrated by anyone (don't the CIA specialize in this type of thing?)


But the Pentagon is not spreading Jihadist crap is it. Does the Pentagon propaganda have a message of hate aimed at the Arab world unlike the mid east conspiracy journalism copied from it's Nazi predeccesor form of propaganda. We know that for decades the worst elements in the Arab world have been active in spreading the hate originally started by the Ayatollah Knomeni's regime in the 70s. This hatred was based on the US role (and which was strongly backed by Britain for its own oil interests) in deposing the Mossadeg government and sticking the Shah back on the throne and also the US longtime policy of defending the hated Israel.


Now about the so called CIA role in the Arab Spring movement. Explain to me why the CIA would want any part in deposing Egyptian leader Hosni Mubrarak who was in addition to Israel and Saudi a long time ally of the US in that part of the world.

Why would the CIA want to destabalize any part of the middle east when they knew that by doing so they would be opening the door for Al Qaeda to step into the fray? They learned a hard lesson from Iraq. The Arab Spring is all about sectarian rivalries just as the Syrian war is a war against the Alawaki tribe by other tribes and which has now gotten out of hand


You see. Everything you claim is either hopelessly biased, lacking in truth or completely illogical but that's what comes of believing agenda motivated propaganda BS journalism

Edited by Harleyman
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Then let China and Russia sort them out. Why the hell does it always have to be us and the USA?

We have done enough interfering in other countries, supposedly with the aim of making things better there, and all we ever manage to do is make things worse.


Is it possible that that is the plan? The growing Islamic terrorism against the West might have inspired the leaders of the West to conspire to open up old Islamic rivalries and get them killing each other instead of us.


Have the acts of terrorism against the West decreased since the Arab spring?

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