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Syria megathread- is British government desperate for another war?

Military action in Syria ?  

145 members have voted

  1. 1. Military action in Syria ?

    • None at all.
    • Limited air/cruise missile strikes.
    • As much, including ground troops, as is needed.

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of course the government isn't desperate for another war


but some members of the government believe that we shouldn't sit idly by while innocent people are killed by chemical weapons


there isn't a simple, easy, straightforward solution - the UN security council won't pass a resolution authorising military action as it will be vetoed by Russia (and probably China)

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On the one hand it is difficult for Western Governments to do nothing whilst watching civilians being blown up, shot and gassed but on the other hand any actions other than strictly humanitarian ones risk getting involved in a mucky little civil war where the rebels/freedom fighters or whatever they are may turn out in the end to be just as evil, if not more so, than Assad.


The West got involved in Afghanistan because they saw that country, and elements within it, as posing a direct threat. Syria doesn't pose a direct threat at the moment so we should be more circumspect in jumping in there.


What should happen is that diplomatic and economic pressure is bought to bear, especially by Russia and China, whilst at the same time The Arab League steps in to solve the problem on the ground.


After all it is a local problem. Why should states from around the world get involved when there are richer countries nearby with both economic and military leverage that could be doing things?

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The Blair administration's willingness to start wars based on faked or non-existent "evidence" hasn't helped.


Weapons of Mass Destruction? Non-existent.


Saddam's ties with 9/11? Non-existent.


45 minute claim? Bogus.


The BBC got into trouble for accurately reporting this blatant hucksterism. And yet, 10 years later, what's changed? Dr. David Kelly is still dead while the lying weasel Blair is now a multi- multi-millionaire.


Wake up chumps! You've been had!


And yet there are doubtless still plenty of people who believe that "our boys" are bravely shooting 8 year old girls all in the name of freedom.


Makes yer proud doesn't it?

I agree. Blair should have just said "I'm the PM, what I say goes, we go in", instead of trying to use phony evidence to justify himself.

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Then let China and Russia sort them out. Why the hell does it always have to be us and the USA?

We have done enough interfering in other countries, supposedly with the aim of making things better there, and all we ever manage to do is make things worse.

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Then let China and Russia sort them out. Why the hell does it always have to be us and the USA?

We have done enough interfering in other countries, supposedly with the aim of making things better there, and all we ever manage to do is make things worse.


Those countries leaderships don't care. They have no real respect for their own people. They're dictatorships who cling onto ideas of imperial expansion blah blah.


US leaderships get involved because despite Bush and co there are genuine humanitarians at the top too. The USA haters don't seem to grasp that the choice is between the USA and China for world leadership or standards setting. It's not between the USA and a liberal utopia where the country just stands for kindness and no secrets exist.

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