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Syria megathread- is British government desperate for another war?

Military action in Syria ?  

145 members have voted

  1. 1. Military action in Syria ?

    • None at all.
    • Limited air/cruise missile strikes.
    • As much, including ground troops, as is needed.

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OK, given that the sarin was "bench scale" material imported from northern Iraq, and given that the Saudis and Qataris have been nurturing the insurgency with money and materiel along with the USA, France UK and others, and given the whole gas pipeline scenario, and given the whole Russian non-Black Sea naval interest, it looks to me like the USA are going to get properly reamed on this one.

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mafya says Assad's back is against the wall and he is fighting for his life. Not hardly. His military are doing the dirty work instead.

He should have packed his bags, taken his loot and cleared out long ago. He stays in power because he always had absolute power and absolute power corrupts. It's a dynasty in fact since he succeeded his father.

Will he ever be taken to the Hague for trial? he's caused more death and misery to his own people than any Serbian did in the Kosovo war

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mafya says Assad's back is against the wall and he is fighting for his life. Not hardly. His military are doing the dirty work instead.

He should have packed his bags, taken his loot and cleared out long ago. He stays in power because he always had absolute power and absolute power corrupts. It's a dynasty in fact since he succeeded his father.

Will he ever be taken to the Hague for trial? he's caused more death and misery to his own people than any Serbian did in the Kosovo war


I think everyone remembers what happened to Gaddafi and I'm sure Assad remembers too that is why I say his backs against the wall.

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This sums it up...that why 100k are dead....follow IRAQ now 1,000,000 plus dead and counting.....JOB DONE!


Obama Warned on Syrian Intel - Ray mcGovern

Retired CIA analyst and Co-Founder, Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity


“For Jerusalem, the status quo, horrific as it may be from a humanitarian perspective, seems preferable to either a victory by Mr. Assad’s government and his Iranian backers or a strengthening of rebel groups, increasingly dominated by Sunni jihadis.


“‘This is a playoff situation in which you need both teams to lose, but at least you don’t want one to win — we’ll settle for a tie,’ said Alon Pinkas, a former Israeli consul general in New York. ‘Let them both bleed, hemorrhage to death: that’s the strategic thinking here. As long as this lingers, there’s no real threat from Syria.’”


We think this is the way Israel’s current leaders look at the situation in Syria, and that deeper U.S. involvement – albeit, initially, by “limited” military strikes – is likely to ensure that there is no early resolution of the conflict in Syria. The longer Sunni and Shia are at each other’s throats in Syria and in the wider region, the safer Israel calculates that it is.





"I, too, am a former intelligence analyst with the Department of the Army with extensive experience in the Balkans and Middle East. I've been struck by the reporting that all of the casualties in the Damascus suburbs were civilians, though these suburbs were under the control of rebel forces. This strikes me as odd. How can a suburb(s) be under the control of rebel forces, but a chemical weapons attack on the very same suburbs not kill rebel forces? Either the Assad regime had very poor intelligence regarding the location of rebel forces, which is possible, or, the rebel forces departed before the chemical attack. They could have departed because they were warned of the Assad attack; or, they could have known because their own forces conducted the attack. Perhaps I missed it, but I do not recall rebel groups claiming that they lost combat fighters as a result of the chemical weapons attack. Do you intel professionals have any view on this? Thanks."




EXCLUSIVE: Syrians In Ghouta Claim Saudi-Supplied Rebels Behind Chemical Attack

Rebels and local residents in Ghouta accuse Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan of providing chemical weapons to an al-Qaida linked rebel group.




---------- Post added 15-09-2013 at 00:38 ----------


Obama Funded Syrian Rebels Mauling Christians




Ron Paul (fox news video ) Calls the Chemical Attack in Syria a 'False Flag'

The movement leader and former congressman said Bashar al-Assad was being set-up to take the fall for an attack by al-Qaeda.



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mafya says Assad's back is against the wall and he is fighting for his life. Not hardly. His military are doing the dirty work instead.

He should have packed his bags, taken his loot and cleared out long ago. He stays in power because he always had absolute power and absolute power corrupts. It's a dynasty in fact since he succeeded his father.

Will he ever be taken to the Hague for trial? he's caused more death and misery to his own people than any Serbian did in the Kosovo war


You think it`s as easy as Assad stepping down? He has the whole Alawite community of millions to think about and the rest of the population who are not trying to kill him. You think Russia want to lose Syria as an ally in the middle east? You think Russia wants to lose their only base in the med or the biggest listening post they have outside of Russia? The politics involved are way beyond just a civil war.


Assad was never meant to be president. He is highly educated and a doctor and if not for the death of his elder brother in a car accident in 1994 he would be a doctor.


Have you ever watched an interview with him? Point me one out where he comes across as a madman and i`ll agree with you.


Bush killed more than Assad do you see him in the Hague?



You say his military are doing his dirty work. What kind of comment is that? Is Obama in Afghanistan hunting the Taliban or are the grunts doing his dirty work for him?


Why do you think so many were against any strike Harley? Because a lot educated themselves on the conflict and don`t watch CNN/FOX/BBC and saw the utter media bias and complete lies they were spinning. You can easily go on youtube/ liveleak/ redditt and lots of other places where you see it from the other side and not perpetual bs that the mainstream media feeds the population.


I couldn`t begin to show you how much the rebels are hated and how many support Assad now.


Syria Rebels Ordered 10 Tons of Sarin Nerve Agent in Turkey...





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You think it`s as easy as Assad stepping down? He has the whole Alawite community of millions to think about and the rest of the population who are not trying to kill him. You think Russia want to lose Syria as an ally in the middle east? You think Russia wants to lose their only base in the med or the biggest listening post they have outside of Russia? The politics involved are way beyond just a civil war.


Assad was never meant to be president. He is highly educated and a doctor and if not for the death of his elder brother in a car accident in 1994 he would be a doctor.


Have you ever watched an interview with him? Point me one out where he comes across as a madman and i`ll agree with you.


Bush killed more than Assad do you see him in the Hague?



You say his military are doing his dirty work. What kind of comment is that? Is Obama in Afghanistan hunting the Taliban or are the grunts doing his dirty work for him?


Why do you think so many were against any strike Harley? Because a lot educated themselves on the conflict and don`t watch CNN/FOX/BBC and saw the utter media bias and complete lies they were spinning. You can easily go on youtube/ liveleak/ redditt and lots of other places where you see it from the other side and not perpetual bs that the mainstream media feeds the population.


I couldn`t begin to show you how much the rebels are hated and how many support Assad now.


Syria Rebels Ordered 10 Tons of Sarin Nerve Agent in Turkey...






If it's proved that it was Assad who ordered the attacks on his own people using chemical weapons what are you going to say then?


You can believe your sources of informtaion and I will believe mine. Time will tell who is right


Bush didn't kill all that many. He deposed a dictator and afterwards a sectarian war broke out in Iraq which is the real reason that so many have died and continue to do so to this day.


If Assad does manage to prevail what do you think will be left of Syria?

Who will rebuild it? Who will finance the rebuilding or where will the money come from? It will cost billions. You will really need the Russians then. How far can you trust Putin?


As for Assad do you really think he will be a recognized leader in the diplomatic world or just a pariah who clung to power using every means at his disposal?


Any way you look at it the future looks like ***** for Syria in the long term

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