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Syria megathread- is British government desperate for another war?

Military action in Syria ?  

145 members have voted

  1. 1. Military action in Syria ?

    • None at all.
    • Limited air/cruise missile strikes.
    • As much, including ground troops, as is needed.

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If one remembers Libya, and how that was played, it was a Cameron rush, no tomorrow, had to be done immediately, so no time to think, no time to find out the facts. The facts were of course bogus, as it was a potential threat, hyped up.


Well again, its action now, so no time to think, the fools rush in game, sod what the result will be, like wonderful Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and Bosnia where neighbours have weekly parties, full employment, and at last societies that get on regardless of beliefs and tribal affiliations. Well....sadly worse than the opposite..


So why the rush, is chaos a good idea? The answer is yes. WHY? Because one can get the resources through bribes, thus knock down prices, or barter, as in weapons, and inter tribal fighting keeps things small scale. Having the whole middle east in Chaos, and let us not forget the up and coming war with Iran, that Israel has been begging for.



Just look at the carnage of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Mali, Bosnia, Kosovo, or is it really all propaganda hype? We are destabilising the world not just economically, but in every way possible it seems.


Forget democracy, the new mantra is MIGHT IS RIGHT, as we know who is guilty and do not need evidence as we make it up as we always do. The mainstream media can be relied on not to ask pertinent questions


So they should have just left the Serbs to finish their ethnic cleansing in Bosnia in the interests of stability? :loopy: :loopy:

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This thread was supposed to be:that we should put our own house in order first, but has been hijacked by the many armchair generals and military advisers on the forum so I will take no further part in it.


I'm afraid your thread has been merged with another Syria thread.


I fail to see why we can't just have one thread - "Everything Megathread" - at least that would avoid the kind of headscratching merges you've just experienced.

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Unless things have changed the Syrian army is pretty useless as is their air force. The Israelis kicked their asses twice in the past even though the Syrians had back up from Egypt. :hihi:


The Syran Army however seem to be very efficient at gassing their own




The USA lost in Iraq and Afghanistan so having all the best military hardware and being the big old US of A doesn't mean you always win does it?

Then there was Vietnam...........:hihi::rolleyes:

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How did the US "lose" in Iraq and Afghanistan?!?


Im interest in this answer too:D

As far as I can tell,they were the biggest winners from these "wars" lol


Why is the US negotiating with the Taliban?

Remember Bush and his mission accomplished banner?

Interesting article here too= http://walt.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/08/16/lessons_of_two_wars_we_will_lose_in_iraq_and_afghanistan

Edited by mafya
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