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"I Have A Dream" Martin Luther King.

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:huh: The anniversary events in the USA yesterday had been arranged before the chemical attack in Syria, how could the USA have predicted that would happen. Methinks your imagination is getting a little carried away.:)


Are you surprised? :hihi:

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:huh: The anniversary events in the USA yesterday had been arranged before the chemical attack in Syria, how could the USA have predicted that would happen. Methinks your imagination is getting a little carried away.:)


<devil's advocate>


But but but surely you realise that the Syrian's didnt actually make the chemical attack it was all done by planted sleeper agents using chemical agenst stole from Israel at the behest of the Illuminati/Lizardmen/NWO triple alliance? So of course it was easily timed by the USAians as they pull all the strings by using the HAARP mind control/earthquake ray.


Hang on I've got a YouToobe link to show you that absolutely proves it :)



</devils advocate>

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Nice that you landed that euphemism in the lap of Black Americans. The euphemism is wildly used as a reference by ALL colours to signify that you've sold your principles to the highest bidder. Black, race or ethnicity isn't the predominant factor..corporate $$$ business is. If you're going to cite a euphemism within the context of the debate at least understand what it means.


What's getting better? People selling out or Blacks selling out?


Pseudo intellectual claptrap. I have myself actually heard one or two blacks say that taking studies seriously and aiming for betterment is "going white"


Fortunately such sentiments are far from what black Americans think as a whole.


Black comedian Bill Cosby once stated to a young black audience that striving for self improvement and taking responsibilty for one's own life was a key to success.


Out pop Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, the two race baiters who roundly denounced Cosby's words.


If one day black Americans finally realize that Sharpton and Jackson are two outdated dinosaurs then thsoe two will be out of a job

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Pseudo intellectual claptrap. I have myself actually heard one or two blacks say that taking studies seriously and aiming for betterment is "going white"


Fortunately such sentiments are far from what black Americans think as a whole.


Black comedian Bill Cosby once stated to a young black audience that striving for self improvement and taking responsibilty for one's own life was a key to success.


Out pop Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, the two race baiters who roundly denounced Cosby's words.


If one day black Americans finally realize that Sharpton and Jackson are two outdated dinosaurs then thsoe two will be out of a job


Ha, you read your own obituary (narcissist)


Funny isn't it that you've heard a couple of Black Americans use it and our other non American resident HH has a perception that some American Blacks also use it. You being a "Californian" would, or at least know that the hippy movement in California and all across the the US in the 60's used the term in their thousands.


Happhazard used the term "Selling out to the man" not "selling out" which have two entirely different contexts. Selling out covers a vast spectrum. Being as the "Man" is predominantly corporate White I guess California is full of ageing White hippies. That must be very confusing for White on White.


As for the 1 or 2 you've overheard it could be that you just bumped into a couple of Black bigots, making 3..they do say **** sticks.

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Ha, you read your own obituary (narcissist)


Funny isn't it that you've heard a couple of Black Americans use it and our other non American resident HH has a perception that some American Blacks also use it. You being a "Californian" would, or at least know that the hippy movement in California and all across the the US in the 60's used the term in their thousands.


Happhazard used the term "Selling out to the man" not "selling out" which have two entirely different contexts. Selling out covers a vast spectrum. Being as the "Man" is predominantly corporate White I guess California is full of ageing White hippies. That must be very confusing for White on White.


As for the 1 or 2 you've overheard it could be that you just bumped into a couple of Black bigots, making 3..they do say **** sticks.


Ha! so now you know all about California? :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:


There are no aging hippies. There are former hippies but no aging hippies.


Those hippies are now middle aged soon to retire seniors worried about their retirement pensions, cholesterol levels and telling their grandkids to stay well away from drugs. :hihi::hihi: They all sold out to the Man around 40 years ago :hihi: :hihi:


How stupid could anyone get to regard the business world as the enemy because the Man is White. (If indeed he is anymore)


That's just ignorant and anyone who believes such garbage deserves to shovel s**t for the rest of their lives

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Ha! so now you know all about California? :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:


No, but it's obvious you don't either, living in the vacuum you do.


There are no aging hippies. There are former hippies but no aging hippies.




Those hippies are now middle aged soon to retire seniors worried about their retirement pensions, cholesterol levels and telling their grandkids to stay well away from drugs. :hihi::hihi: They all sold out to the Man around 40 years ago :hihi: :hihi:


That's the power of the "man". Well done narcissist.


How stupid could anyone get to regard the business world as the enemy because the Man is White. (If indeed he is anymore)


Yeah because corporate America was wholly Black at the time :roll: and still is predominantly.


That's just ignorant and anyone who believes such garbage deserves to shovel s**t for the rest of their lives


Now there's big "man" intellectual thinking for you. Steady on old boy you'll give yourself a White, golf by the pool, ramming a t-bone in your face coronary.

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With so many black people in the US doing well and the fact that the country has a black president serving is second term, civil rights activists like Jessie Jackson are in danger of having to find proper jobs and so are still insisting that blacks still have it bad.


You nailed it my friend. :thumbsup:

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With so many black people in the US doing well and the fact that the country has a black president serving is second term, civil rights activists like Jessie Jackson are in danger of having to find proper jobs and so are still insisting that blacks still have it bad.
Never a truer word spoken. My grandson married a black girl this year. Brenda's a great girl.
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Black comedian Bill Cosby once stated to a young black audience that striving for self improvement and taking responsibilty for one's own life was a key to success.


Reminds me of the very funny Chris Rock sketch "Black People Vs Ni*****"


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Pseudo intellectual claptrap. I have myself actually heard one or two blacks say that taking studies seriously and aiming for betterment is "going white"


Fortunately such sentiments are far from what black Americans think as a whole.


Black comedian Bill Cosby once stated to a young black audience that striving for self improvement and taking responsibilty for one's own life was a key to success.


Out pop Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, the two race baiters who roundly denounced Cosby's words.


If one day black Americans finally realize that Sharpton and Jackson are two outdated dinosaurs then thsoe two will be out of a job


Bill Cosby's famous speech.

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