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"I Have A Dream" Martin Luther King.

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Bill Cosby's famous speech.


Thanks for that Sierra and how true his words were. I believe that if MLK were alive today he would have agreed 100 percent with Cosby's speech.


He would also have been bitterly disappointed at those who end up joining gangs to make a bit of fast easy money selling drugs. He would have said "They squandered the sacrifices and hardships the older generation had to go through in the early 60s. The sit ins and abuses at whites only lunch counters, being set on by water hoses and police dogs in Birmingham, the courage of a simple working woman Rosa Parks on a Montgomery passenger bus"

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J Edgar Hoover of the FBI had some files on King that have been locked for yrs due in no small part to his wife saying they would destoy his repuation if known,they are due for release in 2017,should make interesting reading;)


Hoover had his own skeletons in the cupboard namely a long suspected homosexual relationship with his second-in-command.


Many believe that Hoover's persistent refusal to recognize organized crime was due to him being blackmailed by the Mob over that relationship and that they had evidence, photos etc to prove it


Hoover had files on just about anyone in the public eye including those of his Presidents. A possible reason why he was allowed to stay in that position for so long

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I will draw your attention to the ignore button. I suggest that some of you start to use it because if you don't you are going to be on permanent suspension. Getting very tired of cleaning up threads full of childish bickering by people who are old enough to know better.

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