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Jamie Oliver Says British Workers 'Whinge'

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I didn't say i'd never watched tv, but people like him are the reason i haven't for several years. He's seeking publicity, nothing more, and i wont be a party to it.


Wrong. He's passionate about food and educating people about food.


You won't be party to it? Wrong. You were from the moment you posted in this thread.

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He's not educating me.


Maybe not, not he's had a massive influence on cooking in this country and plenty of other folk have learned a lot from him - not least the many kids he's trained up and helped start their careers in food.

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Knee jerk reaction to this would be to say he's talking rubbish.


But we all know that in normal economic circumstances money doesn't grow on trees. That's the way it is again. The boom years are gone when for a time it seemed money did grow on trees. A whole generation of kids saw parents, who often did not have great jobs trade up houses, buy flash cars, buy nice holidays etc... when free and easy credit was on tap.


Not all kids are like it but a lot have been spoiled, their perception of what is required to achieve a high level of material reward skewed by seeing friends and relatives making merry on a tidal wave of ridiculously cheap and easy credit.


That said, it would be easier to get people to graft if they got rewarded for it. Unfortunately the rewards are increasingly out of reach on normal wages - get living costs down and attitudes might change, people might not give up before they hardly get started.

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Complaining about the youth of today? Oh Jamie, you are now officially no longer young!


As a fellow GOM (Grumpy Old Man) welcome to the ranks.


Jamie Oliver's problem is that he sees himself as the peoples' champion, despite the fact that the people have different opinions, which he splits. Still, if he gets his kite in the media, eh?

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The foreign workers British employers employ are harder working because in their home lands they probably earn a pittance by comparison to UK rates, they have to work hard back home to earn a half decent standard of living (which is probably nowhere near our standard of living) so these people have hard work and graft in their bones, they also want to maximise their earning in the time they're here.


By contrast, the UK has a generous welfare system, which allows the urban youth the luxury of choice; they can choose not to do a season of hard labour out in the fields of Boston, because they don't have to, they still have the welfare state to fall back on which will support them. Even hospitality jobs such as waiting staff, is often below our own jobless youth, they're better off on the dole than grafting in a hotel or restaurant.


What we as a country need to do is remove the welfare benefits, make it a necessity for survival to accept work, and migrate within the country to follow work if necessary. For the country it will have many benefits; reduced youth unemployment, less reliability on foreign labour, reduce welfare burden, reduce immigration, a fitter youth, reduce incidence of obesity, change our culture of welfare handouts as an alternative to hard work.


Of course it will initially be painful. No doubt Jamie Oliver as a "peoples champion" will then side with poor hard done to lazy for being forced into work.

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Where is the evidence to suggest that foreign workers work harder?


When was the last time you saw an english cabbie?


Most of these guys in the little corner shops seem to be of foreign origin.

I'm not complaining about them.

I'm praising them as they don't seem bothered about not sitting on their butts and watching TV all day long.

They don't seem to complain about working all hours and not going on strike 'cos of this or that.


I wonder how many are members of Unite?

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