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Sheffield Council's 1.2 Million Profits from Parking Permits!

Is 1.2 Million profit from Sheffield Parking Permits acceptable?  

172 members have voted

  1. 1. Is 1.2 Million profit from Sheffield Parking Permits acceptable?

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I'm willing to bet good money that if these CPZ schemes were free, paid for using the taxes of everybody else that everyone objecting here wouldn't be.


I disagree - it seems to me that the majority of people with issues with the CPZ schemes don't live in them and are mostly annoyed that they stop them from just dumping their cars wherever they want. In their world, the schemes are hated by everyone and are just a cash cow for the council, while in the real world they are supported by many of the people who live in the zones, primarily because all the spaces near their homes aren't filled with people like the complainers in this thread.

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Originally Posted by Resident


I'm willing to bet good money that if these CPZ schemes were free, paid for using the taxes of everybody else that everyone objecting here wouldn't be.


I disagree - it seems to me that the majority of people with issues with the CPZ schemes don't live in them and are mostly annoyed that they stop them from just dumping their cars wherever they want. In their world, the schemes are hated by everyone and are just a cash cow for the council, while in the real world they are supported by many of the people who live in the zones, primarily because all the spaces near their homes aren't filled with people like the complainers in this thread.


yup, rememer 12% of residents voted for these zones



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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yup, rememer 12% of residents voted for these zones



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android



Hi for newcomers to this thread or for those like myself who haven't been following it that closely could you say where you get your figure of 12% from

Edited by WallBuilder
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yup, rememer 12% of residents voted for these zones


And how many abstained from the vote?


If only 1% voted against the schemes then it's a good example of democracy at work.


On a different matter, why do all your quotes come out messed up? Is it the Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android being awful?

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I'll finish that sentence for you to make it accurate:


yup, remember 12% of residents voted for these zones, of which the majority voted in favour. The remaining 88% of residents polled didn't vote because they couldn't be bothered therefore were classed as abstainers.



See I even coloured it differently so you could see what was added.

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I'll finish that sentence for you to make it accurate:




See I even coloured it differently so you could see what was added.


You show your lack of knowledge there...


It was not a poll, or a ballot, it was a CONsultation. The figures per street were never released, it was done at a time when a large proportion of residents were not there, the questions asked were ambiguous and distorted - the results could be taken either way - and a lack of response was not counted as a negative opinion as many people were led to believe it would be.


Basically, it was a stitch up.



Even now, the areas are being further stitched up by the subdiviion of these scheme areas.



If you were asked "Would you like a scheme where your permit allows you to park on your street, and only your street, and there will be twice as many permits issued as there are places?", would you vote for it? Of course not. But by the subdivision of the schemes as is happening, without scheme wide consultation, this is in effect what is going on.



DON'T VOTE FOR THESE SCHEMES - they are just about income generation.

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Second and subsequent permits cost double the first permit price.




Does it cost DOUBLE to issue a second permit or is the council just ripping off motorists again , fleecing householders and milking the cash cow . ?


I see absolutely no reason why second or third permits would cost any more to issue than the first ,unless that is you can give us a sound reason why extra permits cost DOUBLE to issue.

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It was not a poll, or a ballot, it was a CONsultation. The figures per street were never released, it was done at a time when a large proportion of residents were not there, the questions asked were ambiguous and distorted - the results could be taken either way - and a lack of response was not counted as a negative opinion as many people were led to believe it would be.


Hang on, I thought you weren't CONsulted?


Myself and plenty of other people I know live in a Sharrow CPZ and have never been asked or consulted about anything.
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