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Sheffield Council's 1.2 Million Profits from Parking Permits!

Is 1.2 Million profit from Sheffield Parking Permits acceptable?  

172 members have voted

  1. 1. Is 1.2 Million profit from Sheffield Parking Permits acceptable?

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But the consultation didn't ask that - the consultation asked for those in favour to say so - they did and due to the wording the rest may have assumed that by not being in favour they would be regarded as being against.


Hence the fact that only 12% said they were in favour means we can infer that up to 88% were against it.

If that was the way it worked, it would only require one person to be in favour of the scheme for the council to decide they had evidence to implement it. I find it hard to believe that in the Hunter House area, which the council map says "voted out of scheme", not one person voted for the scheme.


However, once the responses had come in, the council interpreted it in a different way when they realised the money they could squeeze out of the residents, and the rest is history.


It's not implemented on a straight majority vote anyway - see Planner1's post here.

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You're not still going on about that after it's been explained to you several times that you don't get to count people who didn't vote as no votes. What proportion voted against it?


And neither can you assume people who DONT vote are in favour of the parking Tax scheme.

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If that was the way it worked, it would only require one person to be in favour of the scheme for the council to decide they had evidence to implement it. I find it hard to believe that in the Hunter House area, which the council map says "voted out of scheme", not one person voted for the scheme.




It's not implemented on a straight majority vote anyway - see Planner1's post here.


How many people do you think asked for the scheme? A majority of residents? I doubt it, and the figures back that up. (a majority of respondent, perhaps, but that was due to the way that the question was posed).


But having said that, it was never a vote - Planner1 keeps reminding us that it was a consultation - and the council was always going to do whatever they have decided regardless of what the electorate say they wanted.


The council are stiching up the areas in which they have intriduced these schemes.


As has been evidenced, during consultation, requests, both written and verbal, were ignored.


The scheme was introduced in one form and then, by stealth, changed so there was less freedom than was initially promised.


The on-street parking has recently increased in cost by many times the rate of inflation.


The council made over £800,000 surplus from the schemes in the last complete year for which they have released figures.


And yet we still have people defending the schemes.


Each to their own!!

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I do! We petitioned the first time round the council said this scheme was been implemented for residents the permit prices started at £10 for a first car the cost now is £36 for a first car £72 for a second car. This increase happened in the space of approx 2yrs 8mths and i believe will continúe to rise. The scheme was supposed to be under review on a 6 month basis But as far as i can see its only under review with a view to extending the área where permits are implemented. Due to the majority of out road opposing permits we didn t have them But are under review yet again. Hillsborough is a shopping área its one of the reasons i moved here it will have parking issues during the day regardless of weather three are permita or not as a snooker leaves one may arrive.permita do not entitle you to a space outside your own door. This scheme could ruin hillsborough and in the Long run de value out houses.


---------- Post added 04-09-2013 at 23:10 ----------


I would be really interested to know the true views of the residents and if the majority of hillsborough support or oppose this scheme on the roads where the majority are against i think someone should make a stand and take action


---------- Post added 04-09-2013 at 23:27 ----------


When have I ever said that permit zones are a service the Council is bound to provide? It's not a statutory service, the zones are there because people want them.


You wouldn't save £1.25m if you didn't have them if you read the statement I posted.


Don't forget that Parking Services as we see it today is largely here because of the permit zones. They employ a large number of people, many of whom would no longer have a job if the permit zones were got rid of. How would that help the local economy?


Who wants them? Yes there are some resisdents that want them But i think it would be interesting for a few residents to get together and go door knocking and Find out the true views of hillsborough maybe a petition for and against. I don t think permita will help the buinesses of hillsborough look What happened to duty centre when meadowhall was Billy with its free parking. Do you live in a permit parking zone?Would you be happy to Pay for yourself and your visitors park outside your own house?

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the permit prices started at £10 for a first car the cost now is £36 for a first car £72 for a second car. This increase happened in the space of approx 2yrs 8mths and i believe will continúe to rise.


You need to remember that the permit prices started at £35 about seven years ago then went up to £36 after a few years. It was the Lib-Dems who dropped them to £10. All the new Labour administration has done is to raise them back to the former level in a couple of stages. It is unfortunate for people in Hillsborough that their scheme was installed whilst the permits were at the lower price.


The second permit has always been double the price of the first.


Overall, the price of a permit has only gone up by £1 in seven years and I am detecting no will to raise them any higher.


---------- Post added 04-09-2013 at 23:43 ----------


Do you live in a permit parking zone?Would you be happy to Pay for yourself and your visitors park outside your own house?

No I do not live in a permit zone, but when I last moved house I looked at houses in two permit zones and would have been happy to live there. I have no problem with paying £36 a year for a permit, it's around half a tank of gas, not exactly a kings ransom. Visitors can pay and display or a visitor permit costs 50p for the day, again not a fortune and I have no problem with it.

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Do you live in a permit parking zone?Would you be happy to Pay for yourself and your visitors park outside your own house?


Yes and yes otherwise I couldn't park outside my own house.


Do people want to pay to park? Of course not.


Do people want to pay to be able to park more conviently? Probably.


When people dont want non residents parking on thier street these schemes are the only answer.


Litotes why are you so against the schemes? Is it the cost, the implementation? Have you never had a problem parking in your area?

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You need to remember that the permit prices started at £35 about seven years ago then went up to £36 after a few years. It was the Lib-Dems who dropped them to £10. All the new Labour administration has done is to raise them back to the former level in a couple of stages. It is unfortunate for people in Hillsborough that their scheme was installed whilst the permits were at the lower price.



Why raise them back to £35 ? Greed springs to mind as the £10 the Lib Dems charged for them must have been enough to cover the costs otherwise they wouldnt have lowered the price to that figure. Why the massive hike by Labour . ?

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Why raise them back to £35 ? Greed springs to mind as the £10 the Lib Dems charged for them must have been enough to cover the costs otherwise they wouldnt have lowered the price to that figure. Why the massive hike by Labour . ?


Or the lib-dems were using funding to subsidise the 'shortfall' in an attempt to ingratiate themselves with the public. Funding that is no longer viable under 'austerity' measures.


If you had an OUNCE of common sense and could see beyond your petty blind hatred of the Labour party then that's the conclusion you'd make.

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