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Sheffield Council's 1.2 Million Profits from Parking Permits!

Is 1.2 Million profit from Sheffield Parking Permits acceptable?  

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  1. 1. Is 1.2 Million profit from Sheffield Parking Permits acceptable?

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With all the new road surfacing that is being done, there are no road markings.


Am I right in my understanding of the road traffic act in that with no road markings, then pay and display is suspended as there is nothing to indicate that there are bays to park inside?

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would love to see their budget sheet to see wht they spend tht mony on, it's the same for the money given by government tto repair road so what have they spent he money apart from redecorating an refurbing the mayors office and new car so he won't feel the pot holes lets be honest council show yourhand

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would love to see their budget sheet to see wht they spend tht mony on, it's the same for the money given by government tto repair road so what have they spent he money apart from redecorating an refurbing the mayors office and new car so he won't feel the pot holes lets be honest council show yourhand


You dont expect the over paid , pen pushing jobsworths in the town hall to slum it do you. ?

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  • 1 month later...

Might I suggest a better group name be "Sheffielders for Motorist Entitlement"? The use of steadily increasing on-road parking charges such as the ones the council is implementing seems to exactly match up with the Green Party's policies on the matter: See http://policy.greenparty.org.uk/tr.html, and in particular sections TR306 and TR307. I'm honestly very surprised to see you fighting against this so heavily, and now I'm wondering why I voted to keep you on the council.


Edit: I hadn't even realised that these exact pieces of national Green Party policy were already pointed out by another poster earlier in the thread. The fact that different people were separately able to pinpoint exactly where you are not inline with the written policy should be enough of an indication as to how this looks.

Edited by Snorbuckle
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My original post has been removed regarding the campaign Sheffielders for Parking Fairness. If you want to find out more about this campaign and their attempt to bring permit prices down more information can be found here:




and you can e-mail them at sfpf2014@gmail.com

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Might I suggest a better group name be "Sheffielders for Motorist Entitlement"? The use of steadily increasing on-road parking charges such as the ones the council is implementing seems to exactly match up with the Green Party's policies on the matter: See http://policy.greenparty.org.uk/tr.html, and in particular sections TR306 and TR307. I'm honestly very surprised to see you fighting against this so heavily, and now I'm wondering why I voted to keep you on the council.


Edit: I hadn't even realised that these exact pieces of national Green Party policy were already pointed out by another poster earlier in the thread. The fact that different people were separately able to pinpoint exactly where you are not inline with the written policy should be enough of an indication as to how this looks.


It doesn't surprise me to see the old hippies from the greenie's being so anti car . If they had their way we would be back in the dark ages using horse and carts, but seeing as the BNP have more chance of being voted into power than the old crusty 's from the greens we don't have to take any notice of ther moronic transport policies .

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It doesn't surprise me to see the old hippies from the greenie's being so anti car . If they had their way we would be back in the dark ages using horse and carts, but seeing as the BNP have more chance of being voted into power than the old crusty 's from the greens we don't have to take any notice of ther moronic transport policies .


Though of course lots of people in Sheffield have voted the Green councillors in, which is why they are doing something to protect the residents they represent.

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It doesn't surprise me to see the old hippies from the greenie's being so anti car . If they had their way we would be back in the dark ages using horse and carts, but seeing as the BNP have more chance of being voted into power than the old crusty 's from the greens we don't have to take any notice of ther moronic transport policies .


Old hippies! Anti-car! Old crusties! Ha! It's amazing the conclusions you can jump to about a person based on a single fact about their personal beliefs, or who they vote for. Try a bit harder next time to consider that everything isn't as black and white as you may think.

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My original post has been removed regarding the campaign Sheffielders for Parking Fairness. If you want to find out more about this campaign and their attempt to bring permit prices down more information can be found here:




and you can e-mail them at sfpf2014@gmail.com


A Facebook group registered within the last week, for an apparent 'society group' who are suddenly asking for money to support their 'work' and who haven't registered themselves either as a non-profit with the charity commission or as a business at companies house? This is a legal requirement for any group asking for money. I said this the other day when you first posted about this supposed 'group', which at that time had virtually zero web presence, no official website and hadn't even then registered for Facebook. It's all well and good having a group that wants to campaign to reduce or abolish Sheffield parking charges, but the way that this has been put together appears extremely amateurish. They haven't even begun to try and organise support, put on a meeting, try and hold a rally to get word-of-mouth advertisement for their cause, no petitions etc. There's lots of other channels that they could use to try and get what they want but straight away, they're asking for money to mount a legal case which in any event will cost the council money - and lets be clear, this is the Sheffield public's money that will be used for the council to defend themselves in court if the argument is progressed that way!! The group's ethos screams of nimby-ism aswell. The first posting stating "We are trying to stop the Council making money out of our area to spend in other parts of the city" - this doesn't define what area this group is supposed to represent, as there is now a massive PPZ surrounding Sheffield centre, the fact that they're stating 'care of Sharrow community forum' as their contact details yet calling themselves "Sheffielders for Parking Fairness' is at odds and counter intuitive if the group is actually only representing one area.



Separately, whilst I agree that the parking permits scheme was pushed through without proper consultation to residents and while it raises far in excess of what it needs to in order to keep the scheme running, the use of 'parking attendants' in the areas served has been somewhat useful in such as a deterrent to crime and vandalism for instance, especially at a time when police numbers have been cut and we're seeing a lot less police patrols of the streets in general. I support the concept of paying a living wage i.e pay above minimum wage, and as such if you decide to reduce the council's current revenue streams for funding the parking schemes then there'll be even more cuts made on top of the £40Million that SCC has to find across the board this year. There'll potentially be a reduction in wardens/patrols. The scheme whilst contentious is now here to stay and we may as well try to see the positives in properly maintaining it if we are indeed forced to have it.

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