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Sheffield Council's 1.2 Million Profits from Parking Permits!

Is 1.2 Million profit from Sheffield Parking Permits acceptable?  

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  1. 1. Is 1.2 Million profit from Sheffield Parking Permits acceptable?

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Really. ? This evidence begs to differ .




In nine cities, including Leeds, Nottingham and Manchester, the permits are free.


So why can other cities issue permits FREE of charge but sheffield council insists £36 is only covering costs. ? In Nottingham you can have THREE permits free of charge . can you please explain this ?



Authorities can pitch their prices exactly as they like. Some, like Nottingham, give a residents permit free, but charge three times what Sheffield do for a business permit. Manchester give free residents permits in some places but charge up to £750 for a city centre residents permit. Sheffield's are £200


No , there is no shortfall as my link above proves . NINE other northern towns and cities offer FREE permits which proves there is no cost apart from printing a permit and posting it out to the householder. SCC are on the take as normal , fleecing motorists to fil the coffers. Its permit scam is blatant profiteering .

Your link proves that the Star have done a quick google search for permit prices, nothing more.


Different Authorities choose to cover their costs in different ways. Nottingham will give a resident a permit free, but charge a business £200 (Sheffield £72).


You say you are a businessman but you clearly have not got a clue when it comes to calculating your costs.


There is far more to running a permit scheme than printing off a permit and posting it.


The Council have a full team of people whose some job it is to administer permit applications and enquiries, that's half a dozen people plus management. Those people need an office, desks, computers, systems, consumables, heat, power. They all cost money. And there are of course corporate overheads, like finance, payroll, HR, etc etc to take into account.


The permit schemes are worthless without the threat of enforcement, so there are numerous enforcement staff whose job it is to patrol and enforce. They have a depot, offices, uniforms, systems, equipment, vehicles, fuel, etc etc etc. Then there's the administration and processing of the penalties which needs people, systems, offices etc etc etc. And of course the physical infrastructure needs to be maintained, which also takes a team of people with a depot, equipment, tools, vehicles, etc etc.


Parking Services costs £4m per annum to run. Of that, administering and enforcing the permit schemes costs around £1.2m. The income from permits was £460k per annum last time I saw figures. The permit income very clearly does not cover the cost of administering and enforcing the schemes.

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Authorities can pitch their prices exactly as they like. Some, like Nottingham, give a residents permit free, but charge three times what Sheffield do for a business permit. Manchester give free residents permits in some places but charge up to £750 for a city centre residents permit. Sheffield's are £200



Your link proves that the Star have done a quick google search for permit prices, nothing more.


Different Authorities choose to cover their costs in different ways. Nottingham will give a resident a permit free, but charge a business £200 (Sheffield £72).


You say you are a businessman but you clearly have not got a clue when it comes to calculating your costs.


There is far more to running a permit scheme than printing off a permit and posting it.


The Council have a full team of people whose some job it is to administer permit applications and enquiries, that's half a dozen people plus management. Those people need an office, desks, computers, systems, consumables, heat, power. They all cost money. And there are of course corporate overheads, like finance, payroll, HR, etc etc to take into account.


The permit schemes are worthless without the threat of enforcement, so there are numerous enforcement staff whose job it is to patrol and enforce. They have a depot, offices, uniforms, systems, equipment, vehicles, fuel, etc etc etc. Then there's the administration and processing of the penalties which needs people, systems, offices etc etc etc. And of course the physical infrastructure needs to be maintained, which also takes a team of people with a depot, equipment, tools, vehicles, etc etc.


Parking Services costs £4m per annum to run. Of that, administering and enforcing the permit schemes costs around £1.2m. The income from permits was £460k per annum last time I saw figures. The permit income very clearly does not cover the cost of administering and enforcing the schemes.


My understanding is that the council does not have a statutory duty to implement and impose parking schemes yet it has chosen to do so at a cost to the city's council tax payers of over £700,000 if you are to be believed.


Failed maths for beginners, no problem, jobs aplenty at SCC.

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Authorities can pitch their prices exactly as they like. Some, like Nottingham, give a residents permit free, but charge three times what Sheffield do for a business permit. Manchester give free residents permits in some places but charge up to £750 for a city centre residents permit. Sheffield's are £200



Your link proves that the Star have done a quick google search for permit prices, nothing more.


Different Authorities choose to cover their costs in different ways. Nottingham will give a resident a permit free, but charge a business £200 (Sheffield £72).


You say you are a businessman but you clearly have not got a clue when it comes to calculating your costs.


There is far more to running a permit scheme than printing off a permit and posting it.


The Council have a full team of people whose some job it is to administer permit applications and enquiries, that's half a dozen people plus management. Those people need an office, desks, computers, systems, consumables, heat, power. They all cost money. And there are of course corporate overheads, like finance, payroll, HR, etc etc to take into account.

The permit schemes are worthless without the threat of enforcement, so there are numerous enforcement staff whose job it is to patrol and enforce. They have a depot, offices, uniforms, systems, equipment, vehicles, fuel, etc etc etc. Then there's the administration and processing of the penalties which needs people, systems, offices etc etc etc. And of course the physical infrastructure needs to be maintained, which also takes a team of people with a depot, equipment, tools, vehicles, etc etc.


Parking Services costs £4m per annum to run. Of that, administering and enforcing the permit schemes costs around £1.2m. The income from permits was £460k per annum last time I saw figures. The permit income very clearly does not cover the cost of administering and enforcing the schemes.


Ok , lets look at these so called costs.


Are you seriously claiming there is such a massive influx of permit applications on a weekly basis the council employ a team specifically to deal with permits and nothing else. ? Or can we safely assume the staff who deal with parking permits also deal with other admin in other areas so are already on the payroll so are NOT an "extra cost" ?


On to the meter maids . can we assume these parking stalkers also have other duties like on street parking , double yellow lines , etc ? In which case they are already employed by the council and not employed solely to enforce permit zones , and like the admin staff, meter maids are NOT an "extra cost " as you claim.

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Number of Green councillors in Sheffield - 4

Number of BNP councillors in Sheffield - 0.


---------- Post added 14-11-2014 at 21:36 ----------



This kind of comment reminds me of the kind of dishonest arguments the Lib-Dems use - i.e. uninformed rabble-rousing aimed at making people feel they're being ripped off.


If I'm wrong then you could let me know which transport schemes in the wealthy suburbs have been subsidised by poorer areas.


The fact that the surplus from the parking account is used for citywide transport spending is not in question. See 3.4, 4.12 and 4.14 from this report: http://sheffielddemocracy.moderngov.co.uk/documents/g5841/Public%20reports%20pack%20Thursday%2028-Aug-2014%2011.00%20Economic%20and%20Environmental%20Wellbeing%20Scrutiny%20and%20P.pdf?T=10


The fact that permit parking in Leeds, and other cities, is free shows that Sheffielders are being ripped off.

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Ok , lets look at these so called costs.


Are you seriously claiming there is such a massive influx of permit applications on a weekly basis the council employ a team specifically to deal with permits and nothing else. ? Or can we safely assume the staff who deal with parking permits also deal with other admin in other areas so are already on the payroll so are NOT an "extra cost" ?


On to the meter maids . can we assume these parking stalkers also have other duties like on street parking , double yellow lines , etc ? In which case they are already employed by the council and not employed solely to enforce permit zones , and like the admin staff, meter maids are NOT an "extra cost " as you claim.

Like I said, there is a full time team, who only deal with permit administration. There are thousands of permit holders, the different schemes renew at different times of the year and there is constant work from vehicle changes, new people moving into zones and requests for visitor and other types of permits.


Significant numbers of enforcement officers are employed solely to patrol the permit zones. Parking services has grown massively since the zones were introduced.

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The fact that the surplus from the parking account is used for citywide transport spending is not in question. See 3.4, 4.12 and 4.14 from this report: http://sheffielddemocracy.moderngov.co.uk/documents/g5841/Public%20reports%20pack%20Thursday%2028-Aug-2014%2011.00%20Economic%20and%20Environmental%20Wellbeing%20Scrutiny%20and%20P.pdf?T=10


The fact that permit parking in Leeds, and other cities, is free shows that Sheffielders are being ripped off.


I'm not getting ripped off. I don't live in one of these zones. The only way I'd feel ripped off is if the council made a loss from these schemes so I'd have to subsidise it via my council tax.

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I'm not getting ripped off. I don't live in one of these zones. The only way I'd feel ripped off is if the council made a loss from these schemes so I'd have to subsidise it via my council tax.


So you have no problem with widespread fraud, corruption and illegally introduced Parking Permit Zones like Fawcett Street and Sharrow?


No problem with their shares in debt collection companies threatening people, stealing old mans car




CEO's regularly assaulting motorists with no consequences



inventing parking violations and producing fraudulent PCN’s?



And honeytraps like this making these nasty parasites millions


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So you have no problem with widespread fraud, corruption and illegally introduced Parking Permit Zones like Fawcett Street and Sharrow?

What makes you think these schemes are illegally introduced and if they were, why haven't you or others done anything about it?

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Parking services has grown massively since the zones were introduced.


The council decided without a popular mandate to introduce them.


These schemes and the associated penalty nitoces create a massive profit for the council on an annual basis.


I will expect that Parking Services will continue to grow.


And more zones will be introduced especially in the more affluent areas - haven't seen the plans for the parking schemes in the Manor or Darnall yet - depsite the council promising it.


Yet another Chity Council lie.

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