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Why is Britain so out of the loop regarding space?

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On the contrary, we have a thriving space industry and behind a few of the biggest players we are one of the leading centres.








Ok, let's just say we built a rocket , launch pad etc etc all out of British parts with Britains finest space talent, would you go on it ?

I know I wouldn't !

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Actually I think we were doing quite well in the early fifties and up there with the leaders in the field. We were innovative, but a bit Heath Robinson. We invented Radar and had rocket programmes galore. Then the Americans and Russians started throwing money at it and we dropped behind / out.

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It was also important to have our own nuclear deterrent; so the money went there, rather than to those who would have liked to set up a space program,

such as the British Interplanetary Society



I don't suppose Britain has any nukes of its own, nowadays


We have something riding around on our three nuclear armed submarines.


---------- Post added 30-08-2013 at 08:36 ----------


Ok, let's just say we built a rocket , launch pad etc etc all out of British parts with Britains finest space talent, would you go on it ?

I know I wouldn't !


Is that supposed to prove the figures wrong? We have a thriving space related sector. I'm sorry if the facts disagree with your opinion.


---------- Post added 30-08-2013 at 08:36 ----------


I think we should not spend money on space because here on earth we have enough problems. So quit wasting money & sort our problems out down here. Enough already


You don't think that money spent on space exploration sometimes benefits us in direct ways on earth?

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I think we should not spend money on space because here on earth we have enough problems. So quit wasting money & sort our problems out down here. Enough already


I think space is the place to go for sorting some of our problems out. You can do a lot more than get Sky TV from space. I find this project fascinating. :)

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I think we should not spend money on space because here on earth we have enough problems. So quit wasting money & sort our problems out down here. Enough already

Long ago I answered this argument in a print magazine:


In the north of Australia, there's a lot of red dirt, bauxite; it's worth nothing.

Then some men come along, dig it up, and take it to Gladstone, QLD

( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gladstone,_Queensland )

It's now worth their pay, and the pay of those who maintained and fuelled their truck.

In Gladstone, the foundry make it into aluminium / aluminum. Now it's worth ther wages of the foundrymen, and those who produced the electricity to smelt the ore.

Loaded onto a ship, the added value is the transport cost, mostly wages.

Fabricated into a spacecraft, again, mostly wages.

So when it's finally shot off into space, all the wages stay on earth; all that's lost is a heap of red dirt.

Abolish the space program, and all those wage earners along the chain will be unemployed, as will those who derived income from them, thus adding to the problems on Earth, of which you wisely say we have enough

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