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Why is Britain so out of the loop regarding space?

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I know that there have been British projects such as Beagle 2, and British companies do design and manufacture many satellites, but why so few astronauts?


It's expensive

we've got all on paying for the Student games, super tram etc out of the council tax without national government wanting extra income tax for space programme.

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It's expensive

we've got all on paying for the Student games, super tram etc out of the council tax without national government wanting extra income tax for space programme.


Sorry I should have been more clear in my OP; I not surprised that Britain doesn't have a manned space programme, that would be way too expensive for us, but surely we have qualified enough people to be invited to be part of the international space station for insance. There seems to be many nationalities that go up there but (I'm willing to be corrected on this) two Brits, one being Sheffield's own Helen Sharman.

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