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Good News from Saudi Arabia!

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Yes, but Saudi Arabia is generally an OK sort of place. You have to be a bit tolerant of things like this and see the bigger picture. It's only women that have a problem after all.


Once you get past the religious intolerance and disregard for women's rights they are pretty Ok in most respects other than human rights.

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A move toward redressing the supposed lack of women's status is being redressed, though, apparently, a husband who accused his wife of being unchaste before they married is punished for impugning her honour:-




it's an old-fashioned punishment, of 20 lashes, but at least the verdict is in the wife's favour!


...and further more, a member of the royal family is facing the death penalty for murder, after a senor royal has insisted that there be no fear of favour in dispensing justice:-




Supposed lack of women's status?

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