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Good News from Saudi Arabia!

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It seems you are reduced to slinging cheap and pathetic insults at folk who disagree with you because your arguments are so week. Is this the start of your "I NEED TO GET ANOTHER THREAD SHUT DOWN INITIATIVE?"


As pathetic and cheap insults go this is in the bargain basement...anything to say about the subject of the thread perchance?


Wow this thread is going really well. I'm sure halibut has really convinced folk the human rights are really on a march in Saudi.
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Isn't it good to see that religious freedom in Saudi has led to such diversity. So much so that any foreign national who takes Saudi nationality is required to convert to Islam. Hindu workers from India who live there are forbidden to worship in the country.

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As pathetic and cheap insults go this is in the bargain basement...anything to say about the subject of the thread perchance?


I have more to say on the subject than your feeble attempts at making excuses for Islamic extremists. It is you that is an insult to mankind.

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I have more to say on the subject than your feeble attempts at making excuses for Islamic extremists. It is you that is an insult to mankind.


You see Tom, the way it goes is that if you're going to make unpleasant allegations about people - in this case you allege that BF 'makes excuses for Islamic extremists - you need ti be able to show that that is what happening.


You could, for example, use the quote function and quote a post where BF does exactly what you say he's doing.


However, you can't. You're simply lying and inventing slurs because you don't like him.


Your post will probably disappear, you will then bleat about 'certain posters' and your 'poor me' complex will be reinforced.


Alternatively you could point us to the evidence that BF is doing as you claim.


But you can't and you won't, because (you're human after all, I suppose) you don't want to look foolish trying to prove something that obviously isn't true.


Such is the way of things.

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I have more to say on the subject than your feeble attempts at making excuses for Islamic extremists. It is you that is an insult to mankind.


Here's something I said about the UK's currently most notorious Islamic extremists




Ironically the only extremists I've openly supported on this forum come from a slightly different quarter


..I've consistently supported the BNP's right to exist and speak (do a search, I've said it often enough on here), the fact I don't like what they stand for isn't at odds with my position.

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the Saudis have got to do something about women not being allowed, to drive cars. That is just so silly, and so easily altered. No other country in the world has it. Even Iran, which has arguably even more or at least just as much of an Islamic theocratic system than even Saudi, never tried that. They knew they wouldn't be able to get away with it, even if they had wanted to do it.

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I have more to say on the subject than your feeble attempts at making excuses for Islamic extremists. It is you that is an insult to mankind.


Isn't that what fundamental Islamic extremists say about anyone who practices anything that goes counter to their belief? Are you an extremist?

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And whats your beef exactly Redneck ?
He's just being Ronnie. Those of us of common sense ignore him completely. If he ever puts himself to contributing anything worth debating, I might respond, but I doubt it.
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