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We now have English owners!

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I don't exist to please you boyfriday, and of course your shortcomings are illustrated in yours, so no lost sleep here either.


You claimed I was 'crying racism' over the DM article and was offended by it..yet nowhere have I accused anyone of being racist or have I said I was offended by the article, I wasn't even inviting opinion on Mr Bradbury. I read the article whilst guffawing, I certainly wasn't spitting feathers over his poster-it made me chuckle.


It seems you have an issue with believing what you want to see rather than what is actually written and you form an opinion based on that prejudice.


Anyone can cook fish and chips, it is not difficult. But it is a British cuisine, so maybe the British are better at it? can't really say as I've not been to may run by actual British people.

In that vain, why not advertise that it is run by someone English? sets it apart from others that are not. Personally I would have put something better like "Real British cuisine, by real British People" or something in that ball park.


That's absolutely fine, I've no problem with his banner, what struck a chord with me was his claim that English people cook it better when I know from my own experience that isn't necessarily true!


---------- Post added 29-08-2013 at 15:23 ----------


For what it's worth, the best 2 chippys I know in Sheffield, are Ranmoor chippy and New cod on Commonside. The commonside one is Tony Singhs, and I think ranmoor is same family. The queues at commonside say it all.


That's right ash, it's run by his brother and his wife. Tony used to have the Broomhill Friery which he ran very successfully after Phil Slack sold it to him in the 80's I think.

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So what's the difference between him claiming to be English and you referring to English of Greek & Asian decent? Is that in your eyes different?


But that isn't what the thread is asking. Do you think only English people can cook decent fish and chips? It's a simple enough question.

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The new owners of a fish & chip shop in deepest Lancashire have produced a banner proudly proclaiming that the business is under new management with English owners!


Paul Bradbury claims he isn't a racist (and anyone who thinks so is 'narrow minded') but only English people know the proper recipe for fish & chips and his customers wouldn't want to be served the national staple by someone Turkish (the business was previously owned by an English couple of Greek and Asian descent.


Alongside his traditional offerings Mr Bradbury also sells Chinese food and kebabs..he must have some Asian/Greco blood in him then if he believes his own mantra.




So can only (indigenously) English people cook proper fish & chips?


For my own two pennorth my favourite chippies in Sheffield are the one in Crosspool (run by a Mediterranean looking guy), the Greystones chippy (run for years by an old Chinese couple) and the Ranmoor Friery owned by a fabulous Asian family.


EDIT Could a kindly moderator move this to the General Discussions Section? :)


Funnily enough I live near what I would consider to be the crappiest chippy in Sheffield, possibly the UK. It is run by a Turkish guy and an Afghan guy.


I could walk to my local chippy but instead I'll take a 15 min drive to a decent chippy, which happens to be run by English folk.

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You seem to be the one with the chip, as I have seen in some of your other posts.



As for a direct answer to your question, I'll answer it like this: If I see a restaurant advertising itself as a genuine Italian restaurant, then I expect the chef to be an genuine Italian.


It's like wasabi sabi, they are all Chinese, and it advertises itself as a genuine Japanese restaurant.


So if I open an English spud shop and I'm Pakistani my spuds will somehow have an aromatic asian flavour?



Another thumbs up for Ranmoor fishy here.

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But that isn't what the thread is asking. Do you think only English people can cook decent fish and chips? It's a simple enough question.


I would have to take the fish and chip test to see if an English owner can cook better fish and chips over an Indian, Chinese or whoever else owner. I would like to think that the English are the best at cooking proper fish and chips as it's one of our "national dishes" but in the end, I really couldn't care less. If it's nice and they use beef drippin' then you're on to a winner imo.


(it needs to be a chippy though and not a chinese/indian which also does fish and chips)

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So what's the difference between him claiming to be English and you referring to English of Greek & Asian decent? Is that in your eyes different?


It's called irony..of the delicious variety-but wit and humour seems to escape many contributors here.


If you'd taken the time to read the DM article I linked to, the ethnicity of the previous owners is referred there-"English of Greek/Asian" descent and I was simply reproducing that, presumably Mr Bradbury was seeking to highlight his unique selling quality (being proper English) as he states in the article that only English people can cook fish & chips.


I don't give a monkey's whether my fish & chips is cooked by Morris Dancers with knotted handkerchiefs on their heads or Madhur Jaffrey, provided they're done to a decent standard.


---------- Post added 29-08-2013 at 17:08 ----------


Funnily enough I live near what I would consider to be the crappiest chippy in Sheffield, possibly the UK. It is run by a Turkish guy and an Afghan guy.


I could walk to my local chippy but instead I'll take a 15 min drive to a decent chippy, which happens to be run by English folk.


I've some sympathy SevenRivers, the most consistently vile fish & chips I've ever had is from a Chinese..re-fried chips which taste starchy and battered fish that's sat in grease for hours. I only go there out of drunken necessity :hihi:


---------- Post added 29-08-2013 at 17:09 ----------


Don't some fish and chip shops also serve pork sausages whilst others don't?


I don't think much pork was ever discovered in a pork sausage from a fish & chip shop ;)

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My local chippy is the admiral which I THINK is owned by an old Greek guy - I don't see him often, but enough to get the idea he runs the show. The two chaps who mainly do the frying are English, served mainly with a smile by a mixture of locals and poles. I can't fault it. Whose batter recipe is it? No idea. Does that even count? It's generally speaking nicely cooked and that's down to the folk frying it not who owns it. Does it really matter? No. I've had food poisoning from an English run in Cambridge and a really good one from a Turk in Watford. I paid nearly four quid for a pukka pie in Poole. All this tells us nothing except I eat to much fish and chips.


And now I'm hungry.

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