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Does anyone else think Hague is a slimy creep?

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28th August 2013

The Guardian


William Hague and his boyfriend Chris Myers have to be the worst kept secret in politics.

If you believe the £200 bottle of wine guzzling, Defence Secretary’s claim that him and Myers shared a hotel room to save on costs you are beyond hope. http://www.chrisspivey.co.uk/?p=13265


As for Andy Coulson doing favours? Well he certainly did one for Gideon Bean when it came to killing the story of his S&M, cocaine fuelled, sex romps with a prostitute.

Just your average day in politics really



News of the World sources back up political blogger Paul Staines; who writes under the name of Guido Fawkes; claims about photographs

Politics blog said paper paid £20,000 for pictures of William Hague’s special adviser in gay bar, but never used them.....


Sources who worked at the News of the World have confirmed an allegation, made at the Leveson inquiry by maverick blogger Paul Staines, that the paper paid him £20,000 to buy up a photograph of a special adviser to the foreign secretary, William Hague, which they subsequently never published.

Staines’s claim is potentially explosive because the now-disgraced former News of the World editor, Andy Coulson, was acting at the time as the Cameron government’s press adviser, and is likely to have been involved in what proved to be a successful battle to save Hague’s job.


The photograph was bought at the height of a controversy about Hague sharing a hotel room during campaigns with a 25-year-old special adviser. Hague was forced to issue a detailed statement denying he had had a gay relationship, and the recently appointed adviser, Chris Myers, resigned.

Staines, who runs a gossip site under the name Guido Fawkes, told Lord Justice Leveson in sworn testimony: “We also had pictures of the special adviser in a gay bar … We took the photos to the News of the World. They bought them for £20,000 and never published them.


I don’t know very much but I know you don’t pay £20,000 for photos not to publish.”


He went on: “The News of the World was in regular contact with Downing Street, and perhaps to curry favour or for whatever reasons, they chose to buy up those pictures and take them off the market.”

News International, the owners of the defunct tabloid, declined to comment on the allegations, saying they were not prepared to disclose details of payments made.

But two former executives at the paper confirmed the deal, on condition of anonymity. They said the purchase was negotiated via the paper’s political staff, and authorised by the editor, Colin Myler.


One source claimed Myler bought the picture in order to “keep it off the market for a week” because he was planning to expose allegations of spot-fixing at Pakistan cricket matches, and wanted it to dominate the headlines that week.

But, according to Staines’s testimony, he sold the photograph the week after the cricket story, which ran on Sunday 29 August 2010, along with printouts of on-line chat from a website.


The following week, after a statement by Hague describing his happy marriage and denying any gay relationships, every Sunday paper bar one carried news stories about the issue, with speculation about the foreign secretary’s future. The sole exception was the News of the World.


Why all the cloak and dagger stuff.

Is he still living the farce of a married salt of the earth type. with his Wifey?

So why all the pretence? Wifey must know that spending £200 on a bottle of plonk and then saying he is sharing his accommodation to save the taxpayer money is a great big fat lie. If she can’t see that, then she must be thick as ****, and if she can - then she is complicit in lying to the nation.

You have to wonder if Willie came out openly, would his career in politics be over? For there would be no leverage left to use. The top people all seem to have skeletons in their closets. Willie’s wife surely knows the score and puts up with it in order to live in the manner to which she has become accustomed (or was promised) and knew from the start what Willie was like and she won’t be the first marriage of convenience in politics. I know it’s William, but It appears obvious that he prefers Willie :+)

I have always despised the creepy, odious little ****, the original little lord Fauntleroy, who IMO has had a hand in planning and implementing every conflict for god knows how long, and it must be the thought of all those strong muscly men that keeps him obsessed and focussed.

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From Wath-upon-Dearne ?


I was thinking that, he's hardly Lord Snooty, he came from a normal family who worked for their money. I find him one of the more down to earth witty Tories. Slimy to me means people like Mandleson and Redwood.


As for him being gay it's just not an issue, has he ever come out with homophobia?

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28th August 2013

The Guardian


William Hague and his boyfriend Chris Myers have to be the worst kept secret in politics.

If you believe the £200 bottle of wine guzzling, Defence Secretary’s claim that him and Myers shared a hotel room to save on costs you are beyond hope. http://www.chrisspivey.co.uk/?p=13265


As for Andy Coulson doing favours? Well he certainly did one for Gideon Bean when it came to killing the story of his S&M, cocaine fuelled, sex romps with a prostitute.

Just your average day in politics really



News of the World sources back up political blogger Paul Staines; who writes under the name of Guido Fawkes; claims about photographs

Politics blog said paper paid £20,000 for pictures of William Hague’s special adviser in gay bar, but never used them.....


Sources who worked at the News of the World have confirmed an allegation, made at the Leveson inquiry by maverick blogger Paul Staines, that the paper paid him £20,000 to buy up a photograph of a special adviser to the foreign secretary, William Hague, which they subsequently never published.

Staines’s claim is potentially explosive because the now-disgraced former News of the World editor, Andy Coulson, was acting at the time as the Cameron government’s press adviser, and is likely to have been involved in what proved to be a successful battle to save Hague’s job.


The photograph was bought at the height of a controversy about Hague sharing a hotel room during campaigns with a 25-year-old special adviser. Hague was forced to issue a detailed statement denying he had had a gay relationship, and the recently appointed adviser, Chris Myers, resigned.

Staines, who runs a gossip site under the name Guido Fawkes, told Lord Justice Leveson in sworn testimony: “We also had pictures of the special adviser in a gay bar … We took the photos to the News of the World. They bought them for £20,000 and never published them.


I don’t know very much but I know you don’t pay £20,000 for photos not to publish.”


He went on: “The News of the World was in regular contact with Downing Street, and perhaps to curry favour or for whatever reasons, they chose to buy up those pictures and take them off the market.”

News International, the owners of the defunct tabloid, declined to comment on the allegations, saying they were not prepared to disclose details of payments made.

But two former executives at the paper confirmed the deal, on condition of anonymity. They said the purchase was negotiated via the paper’s political staff, and authorised by the editor, Colin Myler.


One source claimed Myler bought the picture in order to “keep it off the market for a week” because he was planning to expose allegations of spot-fixing at Pakistan cricket matches, and wanted it to dominate the headlines that week.

But, according to Staines’s testimony, he sold the photograph the week after the cricket story, which ran on Sunday 29 August 2010, along with printouts of on-line chat from a website.


The following week, after a statement by Hague describing his happy marriage and denying any gay relationships, every Sunday paper bar one carried news stories about the issue, with speculation about the foreign secretary’s future. The sole exception was the News of the World.


Why all the cloak and dagger stuff.

Is he still living the farce of a married salt of the earth type. with his Wifey?

So why all the pretence? Wifey must know that spending £200 on a bottle of plonk and then saying he is sharing his accommodation to save the taxpayer money is a great big fat lie. If she can’t see that, then she must be thick as ****, and if she can - then she is complicit in lying to the nation.

You have to wonder if Willie came out openly, would his career in politics be over? For there would be no leverage left to use. The top people all seem to have skeletons in their closets. Willie’s wife surely knows the score and puts up with it in order to live in the manner to which she has become accustomed (or was promised) and knew from the start what Willie was like and she won’t be the first marriage of convenience in politics. I know it’s William, but It appears obvious that he prefers Willie :+)

I have always despised the creepy, odious little ****, the original little lord Fauntleroy, who IMO has had a hand in planning and implementing every conflict for god knows how long, and it must be the thought of all those strong muscly men that keeps him obsessed and focussed.


More smearing of British government ministers. I'd ask the mods to forward your ip but our legal system doesn't reach china (if they can find it - ill bet you ping it around the globe)

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