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Does anyone else think Hague is a slimy creep?

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It's no slimier that people attempting to stir up trouble about it for no reason, other than they don't like them.


Actually it's called smearing them, but there you go.


Some people are gay. Get over it.


Does that mean you have to like them then?

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Hi Ridgeway

Ooo didn't he do well then.... It would appear that the lower you are born the greater the propensity to be megalomaniacal: see Thatcher. I don't give a damn where he was born or what his sexuality is, the fact is that he is living a lie and is a LIAR. In my opinion, as a said before, an odious war mongering little sleaze ball, who speaks as if he is constipated and is about to be sick, either that or has 'something' stuck up his jacksy. I don't know who is elocution teacher was but I would avoid them..

I abhor homophobic cretins, but even more so I despise LIARS.

Before you have a go at me, my Brother is a homosexual, and I adore him. He is one of the most thoughtful, loving people I have ever met in my life; and I defend his right to be who he is; unlike a lot of heterosexuals I have had the misfortune of working with as clients when I worked for SS.

I agree totally about Mandelson and Redwood.............. Creeps of the highest order.


---------- Post added 29-08-2013 at 18:03 ----------


The whole point of this thread was to show that Hague is totally dishonest, and self serving and is in the Cabal's pocket.... Is this a man we should trust to make decision for our security if he can be compromised to such a degree.

Nasty, nasty little slime ball.


---------- Post added 29-08-2013 at 18:10 ----------



Perhaps he should.... let's see what comes out of the woodwork then. The News of the World are used to defending themselves and have the photographs and no doubt other things, to back up their assertions?


A good argument and I'm not going to have a go at you! I don't get that worked up about Hague or even vote Tory. He's a liar and its old fashioned to have a pretend wife and stay in the closet these days. I guess I see people like Liam Fox as better targets.


You're also right about lower middle class people with something to prove being more snobbish than the snobs. Not sure if I've heard him play the superior though, he seems relatively normal to me. For a politician...

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I like him. I think he'd make a good PM, but he got the job as Tory leader at the worst possible time, and had some very bad advice (that photo opportunity of him riding the log flume in the "Hague" baseball cap is an all time bad political PR stunt). He's doing a good job as Foreign Secretary in these troubled times.

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It could only be assumed to be cowardice and dishonest if you consider his sexuality to be anybody else's business, why would you take such an interest in whether a man you don't know inserts his penis in the bottom of another man you don't know either?


Perhaps Hague is the recepticle for the other man....Do you know something we don't?

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This OP purports to be a "Guardian" article.


It is nothing of the sort. It is copied from spoutings of Chris Spivey whose opinions are not based upon fact.


Got you lot going, though.


Spivvy quotes from many sites? As does Aangerfan and guess what, even the BBC quotes from the papers?


---------- Post added 29-08-2013 at 23:45 ----------


How strange that so many of you focussed on the slime ball's sexuality, when the point was that omho he is totally DISHONEST, and cannot be trusted..

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