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Does anyone else think Hague is a slimy creep?

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Am I missing something? I thought the News of the Screws had ceased to exist?


It has..... it was an old article....... which has been conveniently lost and forgotten, but still proves that the slime ball was and still is a deceitful LIAR.

Keep up Eccentric, I know it's late love. x

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Am I missing something? I thought the News of the Screws had ceased to exist?


Yes. You may be.


The OP's 'article' is not from "The Guardian" it a fictional blog from somewhere else.


Hague may not be the flavour of the month, but anyone that wishes to criticise should first look at the terms of his position.


I may be wrong, but he may well be the most "honest" foreign secretary that we've had for a while.

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The illuminati managed to repress the breaking stories about elite paedophile sex gangs systematically abusing children in Wales and Jersey. Hague would have been an easy fix. The press work for the government. Deals are done and reputations saved or ruined on who courts favour or influence.

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Mind you that Paul Staines is a nasty piece of work. Wouldn't trust much that comes from his nasty web****e


The fact that he exposures much of NuLabia's hypocrisy probably has a lot to do with your dislike of him.


Shame about what happened to Red Rag, NuLabia's attempt to produce their own version.


Smeargate :hihi:




he came from a normal family who worked for their money


The scumbags!



Talking about slimy without mentioning Tony Blair seems odd.


Very odd.



What about Ed, is he slimy, a creep, or a slimy creep? Can't work it out.


If you mean Ed Balls, then he's a <censored>



I don't care about his sexuality but I'm sure his wife would have liked to have known before he married her, he pretended to be a man he now appears not to be.


Plus, if he is carrying on with someone else, that's plain old adultery in my book.


Unless they have some sort of "open" relationship?

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It's no slimier that people attempting to stir up trouble about it for no reason, other than they don't like them.


Actually it's called smearing them, but there you go.


Some people are gay. Get over it.


Can't disagree with that. If I was going to name slimey politicians I'd name people like Grant Schapps and Jeremy Hunt, not because of any sexual shenanigans but because of their slimey approach to the profession of politics.

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TBH I can't think of a politician less slimey or creepy than William Hague...


Maybe Eric Pickles.


I can tell you from personal experiences that Pickles doesn't strike me as the slimiest or creepiest but he does take fright at the sight of a Sheffield Wednesday beanie hat, which I do find more then a little odd.

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I think most politicians are odd. Our own Clive Betts for instance highly peculiar.


Hague always struck me as being different, a genuine conviction politician, born in a South Yorkshire mining town, son of a couple running a small/medium sized business, went to Wath Comp. All this reads as though he should be a Labour party candidate. Instead he becomes a Tory, writes very good books (the one about Wilberforce is a classic).


A bit sad to read a vituperative vile character attack based on innuendo, and the fact that he shared a room with another man, I live with two men, none of us are gay.


Do the moderators feel the opening post is appropriate? If so may I remind them, as they are quick to remind me, of the rules of the Forum?


Is calling Mr Hague a slimy creep allowable? If so I will start my response and complete it once they confirm.


Tony Blair is a

Mandelson is a

Ed Balls is a

Ed Balls Missus is a

Both Millibands are

Gordon Brown (sorry should not mock the afflicted)

Jack Straw is very interesting (no rule about sarcasm)

More to follow (if permission is granted)

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