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Sheffield assize

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Would this also be known as the "Quarter Sessions" ? I remember going to sit in the public gallery in the early 1960's as a part of my English Law course.

Long time ago so I am not 100% sure

Grey Eminence - Subang Jaya - Malaysia

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Hi grannynagnag - welcome to the Forum!.:). Assize Courts were abolished on 1 January 1972 by the Courts Act of 1971, which also abolished Quarter Sessions, both being replaced by the Crown Court. Criminal cases are tried by the Crown Court and civil cases by the High Court. In Sheffield in the 1970s, these courts sat in the Court House on Castle Street (formerly the Town Hall and now empty), where the Assize Courts and Quarter Sessions had previously been held. Now there is the Law Courts building on West Bar.

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So sad to see that historic old building (Court House on Castle Street) in such a shambolic state. Surely, it can be restored and put to good purpose. Ditto for the GPO bldg on Fitzalan Square.


My thoughts exactly, but I did notice the old P.O. premises in the Square had scaffolding erected all way along the back.


Fingers crossed eh.

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Hi grannynagnag - welcome to the Forum!.:). Assize Courts were abolished on 1 January 1972 by the Courts Act of 1971, which also abolished Quarter Sessions, both being replaced by the Crown Court. Criminal cases are tried by the Crown Court and civil cases by the High Court. In Sheffield in the 1970s, these courts sat in the Court House on Castle Street (formerly the Town Hall and now empty), where the Assize Courts and Quarter Sessions had previously been held. Now there is the Law Courts building on West Bar.


The little archway on the corner of the building (Castle st) where there appears to be a lady walking in front of it, was a fountain which had two cast steel cups on heavy chains used as drinking vessels. Just think, maybe all of Sheffield drank from those at sometime or other, uh!

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