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Ed Milliband is a ..

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They both just seem small weak men who have somehow landed themselves in positions of power.


They seem very small when compared to the likes of Churchill or (dare I say it) Thatcher.




I cant see how raining bombs on them can make things better,it hasn't worked anywhere else.


Yes but Operation Enduring Oil Supplies Freedom has led to tens of thousands of the freest and most democratic corpses in the Middle East.


Tens of thousands of children with arms and legs blown off are able to give thanks to Uncle Sam that at least what limbs he has permitted them to retain (for the moment) are now free and democratic.

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Its the highly principled bit I challenge. The people of Syria are suffering, we could and should assist, milliband has used this for political advantage. disgusting.


How has he used it for his political advantage? He has prevented the government getting into a war for which they didn't have evidence justifying them getting involved. 30 Tories and nine Lib-Dems voted against the government too. I think two ministers missed the vote as well. Did they all fail to support their own government for political advantage?

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How has he used it for his political advantage? He has prevented the government getting into a war for which they didn't have evidence justifying them getting involved. 30 Tories and nine Lib-Dems voted against the government too. I think two ministers missed the vote as well. Did they all fail to support their own government for political advantage?


People can do the same thing for different reasons....

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How has he used it for his political advantage? He has prevented the government getting into a war for which they didn't have evidence justifying them getting involved. 30 Tories and nine Lib-Dems voted against the government too. I think two ministers missed the vote as well. Did they all fail to support their own government for political advantage?


Apart from now it has (apparently) been revealed Labour politicians just wanted to appear against the war but really they supported it, but were not expecting the coalition MPs to rebel so are now a little dumbfounded as to what they do now.


On both Sky News and BBC now...

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I don't think any of them are supporting a war, their votes for or against possible military involvement have been a decision about what would be best for all concerned in the long term.

In the meantime atrocities in Syria continue, someone gets the message using chemical weapons is okay, and the world looks on.

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I don't think any of them are supporting a war, their votes for or against possible military involvement have been a decision about what would be best for all concerned in the long term.

In the meantime atrocities in Syria continue, someone gets the message using chemical weapons is okay, and the world looks on.


Do you know whos using them yet? The UN report isn't due until tomorrow.

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