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Ed Milliband is a ..

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Resigned Syria to its fate? The USA is going to attack anyway. Let them have blood on their hands. There is no need for us to do it any more. We've got too much to worry about at home.


It is the problem with any debate of this kind. Once you vote against the attack you effectively give a green light to the regime to do what they like. The UK cannot now act on this issue and that sends out a dangerous message. It would have been better had no vote been taken and the matter discussed outside parliament and quietly dropped.

I'm not in favour of our involvement as I cannot tell who is the good guys as the oposition seems to be attracting the very terrorists that we are already be fighting. . I'd rather let them get on with it themselves and a curse on both their houses.

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It is the problem with any debate of this kind. Once you vote against the attack you effectively give a green light to the regime to do what they like. The UK cannot now act on this issue and that sends out a dangerous message. It would have been better had no vote been taken and the matter discussed outside parliament and quietly dropped.

I'm not in favour of our involvement as I cannot tell who is the good guys as the oposition seems to be attracting the very terrorists that we are already be fighting. . I'd rather let them get on with it themselves and a curse on both their houses.


Why should we get involved. What about all the other Arab states? Let them do something.

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I agree with most of the above, my point is not the rights and wrongs of the issue, it is the actions of Milliband in seeking to gain political advantage in a situation where party politics should be put aside.


i'm not sure that milliband did put party politics first or why you think he did.


there doesn't seem to be a great deal of support for military action in the uk or anywhere in the west, so i don't see what's wrong with reflecting that.


People are dying, he could and should have had the integrity to do the right thing. He did not, and in doing so has done the nation, the people of Syria a great dis service. I hope he and the bunch of crooks he leads (front bench) lives to rue the day he did it.


what do you think should be done?


---------- Post added 31-08-2013 at 20:59 ----------


The UK cannot now act on this issue and that sends out a dangerous message.


there is nothing stopping this being revisited, but first there needs to be the report from the investigators and, hopefully, some sort of un mandate. if cameron had waited for that then the result might have been very different

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