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Miscarriages of justice-Do they really happen.

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At last somebody who understands what I'm getting at !! Actually being at the trial and reading about it after each day being in the courtroom, I thought I was at two different trials !!

I'm not saying Bridger is innocent. He certainly had a hand in it BUT not in the way the prosecution portrayed. I am talking to like minded people who would actually like to know the truth, not swallow the guff the prosecution spouted out !


But you rely on smoke & mirrors by not telling us how you know what the prosecution was spouting was guff and if it was why Bridger's defence didn't challenge it.

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But you rely on smoke & mirrors by not telling us how you know what the prosecution was spouting was guff and if it was why Bridger's defence didn't challenge it.



maybe because they were actually there..which leaves me to believe bridgers defence knew he had blown it..and is saving certain things that have been left out in the courtroom for his appeal.

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At last somebody who understands what I'm getting at !! Actually being at the trial and reading about it after each day being in the courtroom, I thought I was at two different trials !!

I'm not saying Bridger is innocent. He certainly had a hand in it BUT not in the way the prosecution portrayed.

And how did you identify this when the jury apparently didn't?

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maybe because they were actually there..which leaves me to believe bridgers defence knew he had blown it..and is saving certain things that have been left out in the courtroom for his appeal.


They may well have been at the trial, but unless they actually know what happened to April Jones their 'guff' is as bad as anybody else's.


Incidentally Bridger's barrister, Brendan Kelly is an eminent QC and Crown Court Recorder, it's quite likely he would have seen through any spin the prosecution was trying to put on proceedings.

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There has just been another one hasn't their, boy friend and another released from a life sentence for the murder of Rachel Manning,after real murderer is caught by is DNA after ten years. Of course there are miscarriages of justice at the highest level,innocent People convicted of MURDER.


The boy friend and the other person was released after an appeal, they served six years of a life sentence.

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